Chapter 36

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Another update...




I don't remember when my eyes got heavy by overthinking about the whole situation and I drifted off to sleep.

Suddenly my eyes opened due to white light struggling to enter into it.
I lazily opened my eyes and saw a blurred figure standing on the door.

What does Aiden want at this point?

Without opening my eyes I asked irritatingly, "What happened now?"

I heard a soft and familiar voice which made me open my eyes wide," Jenn".

I rubbed my eyes and focused them on the figure standing there, it was Ryan.

How did he know that I am here?
And what is he right now, Ray or Ryan?
What should I do?

I just kept sitting there looking at him and waiting for him to freak out at me and call me names like he do everytime he is Ryan.

His face was expressionless. I couldn't infer what was he thinking or what does he want.

He moved towards me and the nervousness rose up to my body.

Suddenly he sat beside me and said, "Jenn how did you come here? We slept at your house, right? And why are you in the guest room? I smelt your perfume then I got to know that you are here."

Thank God he is Ray!!!
I really didn't have the energy to quarrel with Ryan.
I have to make up a story now.

I said, "Did you forget you brought me here for studying after we ate pizza at my home?"

He furrowed his brows.

God!! Please make him believe this lie.

He said, "Oh! I don't remember that. Whatever come let's sleep in my room. I can't sleep without you there."

I sighed and smiled at him.

After that, he led me to his room in which I stayed earlier and we slept together like we always do.

He tangled his whole body with mine, just like I wanted. My legs between his, my head on his arm and his other hand holding my waist, as if I would disappear if he loosen his grip.

He slowly whispered, "Sleep now babygirl." And then kissed my forehead and made me feel contented.

Can anyone believe that the person who is treating me like a princess now, who couldn't sleep without me, is the same person who called me whore just an hour or two before?

He is fighting his own devil, the devil inside him, which sometimes overpower him too much that he loses the track of his own words.

But who is the real person in his two personalities, is Ryan the real or Ray?
Who is he actually?

Well, I think he is both like there remains a devil and an angel inside each one of us. Likewise, he has it too but the difference is that his devil and angel take their control over his body at different times, the devil overpowers him when he is Ryan and the angel take control when he is Ray. He doesn't know that he is the same person. He is living two different lives like two different persons and I pity him for that. The way his mind is playing with him is so unfair. He is not guilty of what is happening to him.
But I am kind of satisfied that I am with him now. That I know his truth and now I will drag him out of this mess.

I peeked at his sleeping face, the moonlight was deliberately entering from the open window and falling on his face making it shine in its angelic light. The moon was so bright today and so does he by its light. His messy curls which were on his forehead and reaching to his eyes were like the cherry on the cake. He looks so innocent like this. And indeed he is innocent. I put my hand on his face and rubbed the end of my thumb on his cheeks.
He involuntarily, in his sleep held my hand right there by his hand.
I scooted closer to him and gave a peck on his lips.

A smile appeared on his face, a genuine smile. And within no time he again captured my lips gave me a long and satisfying kiss, that was what I wanted at that time. He will give me the strength to fight his demon.

He said through his closed eyes, "You like staring at me, don't you? "

I smiled at the thought that he knew that I was staring at him, I didn't feel embarrassed this time, rather I felt good. I want to make him feel that there is someone for him too, who will stay with him forever. That he is special for someone too and he is worthy of the getting the happiness of this life.

I replied, "Why won't I stare at something which is stareable?" I rubbed my nose to his.

His eyes were still closed, "Oh really, should I take this as a compliment Miss. Jenn?"

"Of course Mr Ray".

He opened his eyes and said, "Then I should stare at you too because you are more stareable than me. I can stare at you the whole day."

I chuckled, he is so dramatic sometimes.

I replied, "Don't spoil me like this."

He said, "I want to give you the happiness of this whole world Jenn. Because my happiness is with your happiness."

My eyes got filled with some tears from hearing these words from him.
Maybe because I really get hurt when he says rude words to me. Can't he remain like this forever,  sweet and caring?

I nuzzled closer to his neck and said, "Don't ever get angry with me okay."

He caressed my hair, "Never in a million years."

Only if you know that if you will find me sleeping with you in the morning then you will push me away from you like I am a filthy insect.
I have to get away from here as soon as he sleeps. I couldn't bear his angry behaviour towards me. Everytime he says those rude words to me I felt like my heart getting beaten up by a hot iron rod. His words fell like a rod on my fragile heart leaving so many scars which he himself when he is Ray.

But now I won't give him a reason to shout at me or be angry at me.
I have to leave this room before he wakes up in the morning.

I looked at the watch, it was 4 am already, which means only a few hours are left for the morning.

He should sleep now.

I whispered to him, "Good night honey."

He hummed in reply,  which means he is almost asleep.


Hello dear readers...

Here is new update...😁😁

I know this was unexpected....

I hope that you like this chapter...

The new joinery of Jenn and Ray is going to be so interesting...
I can't wait to update next chapters..

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~~Tanisha payal

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