Party Games

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*Tyler's POV*
I woke up before Troye did and realised I had the cute boy tangled up in my arms, his head resting on my chest. I couldn't wake him up, he looked so peaceful. Watching him sleep was so interesting. I took in every aspect of his face while I had the chance. His long eyelashes, the faint birthmark on his cheek and his prominent cheek bones that jutted out. And most importantly those pale pink plump lips. I slowly reached behind me to grab my phone, making sure to make no sudden movements. I snapped a picture of him, something I'll never get sick of seeing and dropped my phone back down on the nightstand

"Troye, wakey wakey," I said softly, gently nudging him. He groaned and adorably scrunched up his face as he buried himself deeper into my chest, gripping at my t-shirt.

"Uuh, Tilly," he whined, "cuddle," he begged still half asleep having no idea what he was asking of me.

I jumped at the opportunity to cuddle him, "fine, but only ten more minutes," I stated firmly flipping Troye over onto his other side so I could be the big spoon. I wrapped my arms around him, enjoying the minutes of pure bliss I had cuddling him. He fit so perfectly in my arm, my face nuzzling into his neck. He faintly started to snore again so I let him sleep for another hour but when my stomach started to rumble I knew it was time I get up for real.
I unwrapped my arms from over Troye, feeling him stir beneath me.

"What time is it?" he asked, his voice low and raspy from sleep. I had to bite my lip to stop a moan slipping out over how hot he sounded. I quickly jumped out of bed after that, ripping the cover out from where Troye had gathered them all up under his chin.

"1 in the afternoon, so get your ass out of this bed immediately!" I yelled.

"What?! He yelled, shooting straight up in bed. Rubbing his eyes he asked, "it's so late oh my god, why didn't you get me up sooner?"

"Cause if I remember correctly, a little cutie wanted to cuddle," I replied sassily. He threw his pillow at me and I ducked to avoid it. I cackled at his response and on his way to the bathroom he hit me on the arm as I was still laughing. I heard the tap running as he splashed water on his face and we sped walked out the bathroom, grabbing my hand on the way and pulling me downstairs for breakfast.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse," we both said simultaneously as we reached the kitchen. We looked at each other and laughed and Troye went straight to the cupboard to fetch Nutella.

"Croissants with Nutella fine?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah!" Troye heated up two croissants each in the oven while I took my seat at the kitchen island. We ate in silence, both of us too hungry to make conversation.

"We need to go shopping for food now so we can shower when we get back," he informed me.

"Together?" I asked cheekily. While I had been waiting for Troye to wake up, I had spent the hour thinking about a lot of things. The main point being, why not fight. Fight for Troye. I want him back, so I should at least try make him want me or it will forever be a one way thing, a situation of never ending unrequited love. So flirting, making sexual jokes, anything that isnt too pushy but still could reignite Troye's feelings for me could potentially act in my favour, plus all that stuff is kind of my forte.

"Tyler," he warned.

"Yes, babe?" I asked innocently, slipping in the pet name. Troye got frustrated with me using the pet name, but I couldnt help but notice the tips of his ears turning pink.

"C'mon," he said, grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs.

"You know, if you wanted to hold my hand, you could just ask."

Troyler- Coming OutWhere stories live. Discover now