New Beginning

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*Troye POV*

No troye. This is not okay. What is going on? My head was spinning and I couldnt think straight. Yes, I wasnt the most popular boy in school and my looks werent the ones to turn heads and get googly eyes at. But I wasnt a social outcast either. I was more up to going under the radar. Not shying away from any human contact up until the point that it was a problem, but I was pefectly content with my two best friends, and Kayla and Kerri were stunning. I'd certainly want them...if you know I wasnt gay. The three of us have been friends for as long as I can remember. Kayla was the first one I told I was gay. She even realised before I quite knew myself. And both of them are drop-dead gorgeous. They tend to socialise more than I do and have a wider circle of friends than me, but in the end it all come down to the three of us.

But as of three minutes ago I was doubting all that I knew about myself (not the gay part I havent changed my mind.) I tend to throw the occasional 'hello' towards a member of my basketball team when they make eye contact in the hallways or the occasional smile at friendly face in the hallway, but mostly I tend to have the mindset that that is all it was and would ever be. I felt no need to befriend them. Except for the lilac hair that belonged to the boy who had smiled and just flopped down in the seat next to me. I felt oddly attracted to him. Almost compelled by gravity.

"It's way too early for math right now" he directed my way. He spoke so casually for only having met-no not even- for only having smiled at me a second ago. I had to take a minute to rethink if he was talking to me. He cast a confused glance my way when he realised I never answered back, the usual thing to do.

"Oh, uh, yeah" I spat back quickly. Fuck Troye way to play it cool.

"Yeah," he paused tentatively assessing to see if he should continue. I threw a half- hearted smile his way and he continued. "Hi, im Tyler."

"Troye Sivan"

"Hmm, has a nice ring to it. Sounds important, sort of goverment official. In that case, nice to meet you President Troye Sivan. Im Tyler Oakley" and with a small giggle that was it and he turned to pay attention to the teacher who had just walked in.

What? Who is this boy? He must be new since i've never seen him around and the bright purple hair is kind of hard to miss. I definitely would have noticed him before whether it was because he was getting beaten up because of his unusual look or becasue he has the type of bubbly personality that would definitely get him into the popular crowd. I was so confused, wrapped up in my head analysing the situation that just unfolded, that I missed the homework the teacher just assigned. Looking to the whiteboard I saw that the teacher hadnt written it down and I let out a small agitated sigh.

"You alright there? Need any help?" my head shot up at the sudden input and it took me a while to realise it was Tyler talking to me again.

"Oh yeah, I kinda zoned out. What are we meant to be doing?"

He suppressed a giggle, finding the situation somehow amusing before proceeding to tell me the page of the excercise.

The teacher shot us a glare so I directed a quick 'uh, thanks' his way before turning back to start the work. I couldnt help but be distracted the rest of class. Most people at school have learnt for themselves that im not really into the whole friends thing so have stopped trying and remained just being friendly with me. Tyler however just saw me no different to anyone else and saw no reason not to be friends with me.

Class was over and walking to my next class I heard Marcus call out to Tyler and soon they started talking about where Tyler needed to go for his next class and that he should meet Marcus in the cafeteria for lunch, on the account that Tyler could find his way there. I assumed that Marcus was helping Tyler on his first day and therefore I decided that my latter suspicion of him was true and that his bubbly personality would fit with the popular kids. Well, kind of. Marcus was the sweetest guy and hung out with a group of nice, but popular people including Alfie, a girl called Zoe and her brother Joe. However he was also the sporty type and fitted in with the asshole jocks of the school including the main doofus, Caspar. Luckily he only liked them for the opportunity for some sports talk and didnt let their personalities rub off on him. I couldnt wait to see which group he'd take Tyler to though.

By lunch time I was vaguely intriged into the Tyler situation and throughout my two previous classes I had tried to decide who he'd become friends with. Maybe he would be like Marcus and jump between friend groups. Or maybe the jocks would overlook his obnoxious hair, that they would mock if it was on anyone else, because of his personality or maybe he was a quarterback or something. Or he could possibly ditch Marcus altogether and find his own group, but I kind of ruled out the latter. You cant really be on your own at this school or youll be vunerable and an easy target to be mocked. I slinked into the cafeteria in my usual manner with my head neither held high nor down and my shoulders hanging. I waited in line to order food, paid and made my way over to the usual table where Kayla and Kerri were already waiting for me, talking about none other than Tyler Oakley.

I groaned as I sat down which caused them both to stop and stare at me, "sorry," I said sheepishly.

"What's wrong with you today?" Kayla said and directed half her attention to me, before shortly realising I wasnt going to reply before turning back to Kerri and continuing to gush about how well his hair worked on him. With that I remembered and turned to scope out the cafeteria, taking me only a few seconds before spotting the lilac hair. Hmm. Jocks.

"Um, do any of you know if Ty- that new guy plays sport or something?" I asked. Shit, hopefully they didnt realise I messed up.

"Yeah, wait do you know him?" Kayla asked both seriously puzzled at the thought that I could actually know someone, let alone not even from this school, and also seriously excited at the prospect that I could give them more insight on the cute new boy.

"Uh, well not really" I started to reply, but I was cut off by Kerri mid sentence,"but you do know him then oh my god how?"

Ugh here it comes, "I met him today, he sat next to me in math. He introduced himself, thats it. Sorry to ruin your stalker dreams," I replied giving them a knowing look and watching as a blush crept across both their faces at realising I caught them out on being creepy and over-obsessed.

The rest of lunch went fairly normally until I heard Kayla gasp next to me and looking up to see what the fuss was about I noticed the lilac head of hair walking towards us and coming to a stop next to me.

"Hey President," he giggled and threw in a wink and salute. I turned to Kayla and Kerri to see them gawk momentarily only to quickly regain composure. Kayla tipped her head towards Tyler and I redirected my gaze back to him remembering I hadnt replied yet again.

"Um, hey Tyler?," I questioned him, trying to figure out what brought him over here.

Sensing my uncertainty he quickly replied, "oh, yeah Marcus was helping me with my classes and remembered that you have history when I do, so I was wondering if you could show me where to go?" I tried to think how Marcus knew I had history, we only shared one other class, Economics, together. Oh thats it. I left my text book in History a few weeks ago and the teacher asked Zoe to give it to me in Economics class since we shared both classes. Although she was bunking class to go somewhere with Alfie so she gave it to Marcus. Zoe must have explained to him and he must have remembered.

"Yeah sure," but then when he made no move to walk away I blurted, "oh, you mean now?"

"Yeah, lunch is kinda over you know" he replied and I looked around the now emptying cafeteria a blush rising to my cheeks at my obliviousness. He giggled, but this time it progressed into a full on cackle. I stumbled as I quickly got to me feet, giving Kayla and Kerri a quick wave goodbye and he followed me out the cafeteria doors.

*Authors Note*

Hey guys, first chapter done. Dont know if its any good. Also can someone hint if the length of it is any good or too short? Also any other feedback is welcome. Please comment and vote.

Love Trxylering x

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