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*Troye's POV*

"Babe, are you nearly ready?" I asked Tyler who was frantically rushing around grabbing outifts, throwing items away that didnt match and then shoving them into his bag only to quickly pull them out and fold them neatly.

"Five more minutes," he informed me.

"You said that five minutes ago," I whined. "Tilly we're not going to get there before it's dark. My family left over an hour ago!"

"Fine, I'm coming. I just want to look nice in front of them," he said finally accepting the clothes he packed and coming to wrap his arms around my waist. I brought my hands up to start styling his quiff that had long ago started to sag during his frenzy, pushing all the pieces of his lilac hair back into place.

"Ty, my immediate family already adore you, the rest of them will too! I doubt they care what you look like" I said trying to comfort him. It's true though, how can anyone not like Tyler. "Now c'mon we need to leave or it will be dark by the time we get there."

"Fine, just grab my laptop please, then I'm ready," he replied.

Five minutes later we were all packed and ready and on our way to the hotel near my couisns house. We were all meant to be staying there, but with Steele and his fiancee and Tyler, there wasnt enough room so the four of us gladly agreed to get rooms at the hotel.

"Are we nearly there yet?" Tyler chirped up from the passenger seat.

"No, not since you asked me twenty minutes ago. Here just eat these," I said flinging Tyler a packet of ranch Doritos so he'd shut up. It worked and every once in a while he'd feed me one and I'd kiss his fingers to say thank you. When we finally did arrive we quickly checked into our room, leaving our bags unpacked and set off to my cousins house that was five minutes away.

"Troye, oh look how big you've gotten," my grandmother called out and I went over to hug her. "Everybody, Troye's here!" she yelled and soon everyone was filing out the house to come greet us hello.

"And who is this?" my aunt asked gesturing to Tyler.

"Everyone, this is Tyler. Tyler thats my aunt, my cousins, my gran and uncle, and this is Steele and Amy," I introduced.

"Oh, hi, Tyler, nice to meet you," they all greeted, jumping in to start up conversations with him. Tyler eagerly replied, willing to do anything to impress them.

"Hey guys?" I spoke up, "it would be nice to go inside," I hinted sarcastically.

"Sorry, baby," my grandmother apologised and everyone backed away from Tyler who walked over and grabbed onto my arm.

"Sorry," I whispered to Tyler, "they can be overwhelming sometimes. They like you though, dont worry," I comforted. I lead Tyler inside and into the kitchen when I heard my mom calling to us.

"Boys, you're here," she greeted, wrapping her arms around the both of us. "Do you mind passing me that container?" she asked Tyler as she went straight back into cooking. Tyler handed her the container and she nodded a thank you while she talked, "I said i'd help out with dinner tonight because your aunt has been running around like crazy trying to organise everything," she explained, "please be good on this trip, you two."

"We will mom, dont worry, we'll stay out of everyone's hair," I promised giving her a kiss on the cheek and pulling Tyler out the room and down the hall.

"Where are we going?" he asked tugging on the back of my shirt when I never answered him.

"To the place that is the reason why I am so willing to come up to my aunt's house," I explained, a huge grin spread wide across my face at the thought of showing Tyler my special little place. Tyler never pressed more on the topic, obviously satisfied with my answer and when I glanced back over to him I could see how excited he was getting to see this place. "Grab your coat," I instructed him as we reached the coat rack by the front door.

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