Too Late For Second Chances

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*Troye's POV*

Zoe: hey Troye, come out with us tonight?

Troye: to where? and who's us?

Zoe: who do you think us is? Me, Alfie, Joe, Jim, Tanya. the usual. Daniel Dean's party.

Troye: I dont know hey...

Parties have never really been my thing, but then again, making friends has never been my thing either. But I kinda like having friends now, so what the hell, I might as well try it. It's a saturday night and I dont have anything better planned.

Zoe: com'aaan. it'll be fun! liven up a lil

Troye: fine, i'll come. But i'll pick you guys up so I have a get away vehicle.

Zoe: you make it sound as if we're going to rob a bank, Troye Sivan. but YAY see you at 7, my place

I could just imagine how Zoe was rolling her eyes at me. But maybe a party will be good for me. Get my mind off everything that's happened lately.

Having only woken up at twelve, it was already three so I had a decent amount of time to get ready. I decided to get myself something to eat and then take a long shower. Still only having used up an hour and a half of my time I had two hours until I had to leave for Zoe's. Scavenging through my closet trying on just about every combination of clothes possible, I opted for asking Sage for help.

"Sage," I called out as I knocked on her door.

"Yeah, Troye? Come in."

"Help me pick out an outfit, please?" I begged.

"For what?" she questioned quizzically.

"Zoe's dragging me to Daniel's party tonight. I dont know what to wear," I huffed, blowing a stray piece of hair out of my face.

"Oh My God!" she screamed, "you're actually going to a party! Wait till mom hears about this, aahhh! Wait, Daniel Dean's party? Oh my god we are not going to the same party," she scoffed.

"Um, get your own friends then," I retorted. Sage was at that age when she was hanging out with guys my age. It took a while getting used to her being friends with some of my friends.

"Fine," she agreed, "i'd like to see your behaviour out of your natural habitat of your bedroom for once," she spoke with a presenter voice as if observing a wild animal on a documentary. "And, yes, I will help you. Cant let you go out looking like an idiot. Especially if I'm there."

Typical Sage to care more about her social image than actually wanting to help out her brother. Although she definitely seemed like she enjoyed dressing me up, forcing me to try on various combinations until she finally let out a happy sigh when she came to the perfect one.

"Here, put these on," she commanded, throwing the clothes at me. She had picked out a plain navy blue t-shirt and black skinny jeans. "With these," she continued, pointing at my black sneakers in the doorway, "now I need to go get ready myself," and with that she was out the door.

I threw on the clothes and took my time styling my hair, making sure it was perfect. I wasnt neccessarily trying to impress anyone, but it seemed like I had to put more effort into getting ready than I did for school. I was just finishing up when Sage reappered in the doorframe.

"Here, use this," she said, handing me my dad's best cologne, "girl's will love it!" she teased, winking at me.

"Sage," I groaned, grabbing it out of her hands and spraying myself.

"I never said boys wouldnt too," she giggled, "look at my Troye all grown up," she teased, sniffling.

"You're just like Kerri," I groaned again, "it's not even my first party!"

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