One or the Other

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*Troye's POV*

"I never knew you felt that way, why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because, what would you do about it anyway? Just say 'bye, we cant do this anymore'? No, you cant."

"You're right, I cant just desert him because you feel that way, but now that you told me I can at least be considerate of your feelings," I explained. "You have to tell me things like this."

"That's why I told you, but he's more than just a friend, he's someone special to you. And I can't destroy what you two have, because I feel this way. What kind of person would I be? Yes, I'm jealous of what you two have, you're close and I wont let you destroy that for me. I love you Troye, and for now, that's enough for me."

"And I love you too, but, Craig, if the way Tyler acts around me makes you feel uncomfortable then I need to talk to him about it, and tell him he cant act like that, but I promise you, he doesnt have feelings for me."

"But you cant see the way his eyes light up when he sees you are the way he googles over you and gets all flustered," he countered, "obviously I notice these things. I notice all the girls staring at you when we walk down the street and the boys who get angry when they realise you're taken. And i'm constantly fretting that you'll find someone better than me, and so yes, Tyler is competition and it just makes me kind of insecure," Craig said.

"But he told me he doesnt have feelings for me, you have nothing to worry about," I comforted, but inside I wasnt so sure. There is still something that bugs me about the whole situation. Craig isnt the only one who notices how flustered Tyler gets when our hands accidently brush each others or when he holds my gaze longer than normal. But all these things are so little that I really am not sure that they mean anything and whenever it happens, he either doesnt realise or he makes no reference it. And he promised me he doesnt have feelings for me and that it was just a slip of tongue at my house when he said he still loved me. He assured me it meant nothing and since then he's acted completely normal about us being friends again. And with Craig getting jealous it has just made things so hard, because I have to tell Tyler, but then i'll have to confront him about those little things but I could just go and embarrass myself completely when he goes and tells me again that he doesnt like me.

"People lie and it's hard to confess your love for someone when you know there isnt much of a chance that things will work out between you. But enough of this, I dont want to ruin our three month anniversary.  All of that with Tyler happened months ago, it's in the past. Done and dusted, so let's enjoy our special day," Craig insisted and pulled me in for a quick peck.


*Tyler's POV*

Jim's family friend from a school a couple of hours away is transferring here today, and Zoe's ecstatic because he just so happens to be gay. She thinks it's time I move on from Troye and it's okay because she's already planned mine and Connor's wedding and took the liberty herself to plan our family too, down to the names and all. I let her have it though, because Zoe loves to dream and I really dont feel like putting up with a moody Zoe when I tell her I dont want my daughter to be called Sam. Plus, I kind of like hearing all these wonderful outcomes that could be my life. I like having this little bit of hope that everything's going to work out in the end.

I had just begun to think about where I would like to get married one day when Zoe leaned over to whipser in my ear so the others couldnt hear. "He's going to be here soon, are you nervous?" he asked eagerly.

"No, not really," I shot her down, "this Tyler isnt madly in love with him like the make believe Tyler you created in your fantasies," I emphasized drawing out the last word. She just huffed in response at my insult.

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