Withdrawal Symtoms

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*Troyes POV*

Tyler hadnt reponded to my text for over half an hour now. I was freaking myself out, what if something is wrong. Tyler could be hurt. I'm not being needy, well kind of, but when youre in constant contact with someone you kind of get worried if they dont reply. I had paced around my room, changed my outfit a million times, over analysed everything and still Tyler hadnt replied. He was meant to be picking me up for school today anyway so I couldnt really do much but wait.

"Troye, stop freaking out, I can hear you pulling out your hair from downstairs!" Sage teased from the other side of my door. By now my whole family had heard my saga, and no one was any help. Sage only teased me, Tyde and my dad had no interest in my petty troubles, only my mom tried to reassure me and give me advice, but none of it helped. I just had this weird feeling.

"Oh shut up- eeeep" my reply was interupted by my phone beeping with a message. The familiar sound Tyler had set as his personal jingle on my phone.

Tyler: Car troubles, cant pick you up, sorry

My face lit up while reading his reply. I felt at ease again knowing he was probably struggling with that old death contraption and not dying somewhere.

Troye: I'll come pick you up then x

Tyler: Nah, dont worry about it, I caught a lift.

Troye: Mkay, see you at school x

Tyler seemed a little off although he's probably in a bad mood from his car.


"Ty, I could have just picked you up instead," I said as I took my seat in Math.

"It's okay, Marcus said he didnt mind lifting me," his reply half directed at me and half at the front of the classroom.

"Where were you before class, I couldnt find you?" I hadnt seen Tyler this morning, and he seemed a little strange so I wasnt about to let it slide. Im determined to find out what's wrong.

"Oh, sorting out the car, you know what a mission that is," he replied before nodding towards the teacher now starting the lesson. Yes, something was definitely wrong. The teacher being there had never stopped our conversations before.

Tyler made no attempt at conversation the rest of class, and when I did he would quickly end it. I couldnt bear not knowing what was wrong. Did I do something even? Is that why he asked Marcus for a lift instead of me? Worst of all, I wouldnt see him until lunch, so until then i'd be going crazy.


*Tyler's POV*

Ignoring Troye is hard, but especally after the nightmare last night I realised how rushed everything was. I had developed uncontrollable feelings for a boy I had literally just met and he's not even gay. I felt disappointed in myself for letting things get out of control. I was more shocked to wake up this morning to a text from Troye confirming our plans for me to pick him up for school. I had got myself into this mess, before I realised what I needed to do, so I ignored his text in order to figure out a good excuse to not drive him. If I got into that car with him, theres no telling what i'd do. A million images ran through my head at that thought, and most of them included Troye being pinned up against some part of my car, in the least PG way possible.

I opted for faking car trouble, and when texting Troye my excuse, it pained me to see how insincere my texts were with no irrelevant emoji stuck at the end like usual. It pained me more to see him offer me a lift, my unthought- through plan falling apart. Of course he would be able to lift me. This only led to me having to ask Marcus, basically my only other friend since I spent every minute with Troye, for a lift since Jackie had left for work already.

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