First Day

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*Tyler's POV*

"Tyler, this is Marcus. He shares most of your classes with you. So Marcus, if you could please help Tyler find his way around today." Principal Marks addressed us.

"Thank you, sir" I replied. He seemed nice enough for a principal, but I'd still work on sucking up to him.

"Hi, i'm Marcus," he greeted with a huge grin on his face, "Can I see your schedule?"

"Tyler, nice to meet you," I beamed handing over my class schedule. For the rest of the morning light conversation was passed between us, mainly about the school, sports and where I should go for my first classes. We shared a majority of classes together so he said I could tag along with him with pleasure. He seemed so genuinely sweet.

First class was Math and I made my way there easily enough. I scanned the class and decided on a seat in the middle because of my bad eyesight. I beamed at the (cute) boy who just happened to be sitting next to me, purely by coincidence.

"It's way to early for math right now" I groaned as I plonked down in my seat. He didnt seem to notice I was talking to him so I gave him a reassuring smiled.

"Oh, um, yeah" he stuttered.

"Yeah," he didnt seem very interested in the conversation and I was doubting if I should continue when he shot me a redeeming lopsided smile, "hi, im Tyler."

"Troye Sivan." ooh he sounded so confident when he said his name, unlike the stuttering mess he was earlier.

"Hmm, has a nice ring to it. Sounds important, sort of government official. In that case, nice to meet you President Troye Sivan. Im Tyler Oakley," I tried to say my name with the important tone he used. I giggled at how he didnt react to my teasing and I turned away to pay attention to the class.

About five minutes into class he let out an angry huff and when I looked at him he hadnt started to work yet. "You alright there? Need any help?"

"Oh, yeah. I kinda zoned out. What are we meant to be doing?" Troye replied bashfully.

I helped him and he quickly replied as the teacher was glaring at us for talking. When class was over Marcus called me over and told me to meet him in the cafeteria for lunch later on. By lunch time I was starving and I got my food and went over to Marcus who was talking to a group of guys. He introduced me and the converstation quickly started up when they realised I played football. A guy called Caspar, who was extremely obnoxious, told me to join the team and when I was speaking to Marcus I heard him say to another guy that he "approved of me although the hair would take time to get used to." However, they seemed to like me so that was all I needed. Marcus asked me if I had met people and when I mention Troye he said he could take me to my next class. I spotted Troye sitting with two girls, looking uninterested in what they were saying. I walked up and the conversation suddenly stopped.

"Hey President," I giggled hoping he would catch on from what I called him earlier. He looked almost worried as he turned to face his friends who seemed confused until the one drew his attention back to me.

"Um, hey Tyler?" he both greeted me and questioned my reason for being there.

When I finished asking him for help, he seemed confused but soon agreed only to get embarrased when he realised I wanted to go now. He was so cute when he got all flustered. He got his stuff, said goodbye to his friends and led the way, a blush firmly planted on his cheeks. As I walked behind him I noticed his slender body frame and the way his shoulder hung and his feet slightly dragged as he walked. Until I realised my eyes had landed on his butt so I quickly diverted my gaze and picked up the pace until I was next to him.

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