The Start of Us

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*Troye's POV*

I feel bad for how upset Tyler was when he explained to me how he felt about what we were as a couple, but it was very entertaining stringing him along. I wanted to kiss him just as much as he wanted to kiss me, but in the beginning I wasnt ready to kiss him. I didnt want to rush our relationship like we did the first time. I was scared that I'd mess up. But then when the time was right, Tyler was so eager that I thought it was funny to deny him the kiss just to see how frustrated it made him. Even though it made me frustrated too. But kissing him again, oh it felt so good. And now that we've kissed all of a sudden it's so natural, so normal, so easy to just kiss him whenever.

We decided to leave the family snowfight early and head back to our hotel. I went to start running the bath while Tyler collapsed onto the bed. I dimmed the lights and sprinkled bath salts into the water, watching as the bath turned a cute shade of pink. I could hear Tyler chuckling from the bedroom, he was obviously scrolling through tumblr.

"What's so funny?" I asked him as I flopped onto the bed next to him, leaning over to kiss him and rest my head on his shoulder. He turned the screen to face me so I could read a funny GIF. I slowly started to place kisses on his neck while reaching out and taking his phone away from him although he whined in protest.However, I carried on kissing his chin and neck eventually connecting our lips as I pulled him up of the bed and ushered him towards the bathroom.

I could barely see his outline illuminated by the soft light, but he still looked just as beautiful. I cupped his cheek before kissing him and then backed away to undress. We stayed in the bath for a long time, enjoying the warmth of the aromatic water after the cold snow and drinking the bottle of champagne I had brought with. We laughed at jokes, too tipsy from all the champagne to even care that half the jokes weren't funny at all and talked about whatever came into our minds. Simply enjoying each other's company.

"Babe, we need to get out before we get any more wrinkled," Tyler giggled.

"I know, I know, it's just utter bliss being here with you," I replied. "But yes, we're too young to start looking like old people." I grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my lower half and securing it in place as I climbed out the bath and headed into the bedroom. By the time I had pulled on a pair of boxers Tyler had run into the room, knocking me over onto the bed.

"Tylaaaah," I screeched as he lay on top of me, but he just giggled away.

"I want to cuddle," he stated nonchalently.

"Tilly, this is not cuddling," I pointed out. "At least let me put pants on and we can properly cuddle?" I suggested.

"Only the second half of that sentence sounded like a good idea," he smirked. With that cheeky input I shifted around so I could pull Tyler off of me and helped pull him up as a shifted up the bed and leaned against the headboard.

"Shall we put a movie on?" I asked and when Tyler nodded his head, I momentarily removed my arm from its place behind his shoulders and leant forward to grab my laptop, hurrying back to cuddle again. I put on 500 Days of Summer, because it was Tyler's favourite, and we shifted around until we were both comfortable. Tyler had his face squished up into my neck, his arm wrapped tightly around my body while I had my arm around him and my legs entwined with his.

"The best part is coming up in like two lines," Tyler cheered.

"You're such a nerd," I teased.

"Shhh shh," he said lightly slapping my arm, but still faintly blushing at how over excited he was over watching his favourite movie. I knew exactly what line he was talking about. He'd referenced it only a hundred times already throughout their friendship. Just as the main character was about to say the line, I leaned over and kissed him, distracting him from the movie.

"Now I've missed it," he whined, starting to sit up so he could rewind it, but I pulled him back down and climbed on top of him.

"So you're saying, you'd rather watch some stupid line being acted out, which you've already seen a thousand and ten times, than be kissed by your boyfriend?" I asked sassily. "I have an ultimatum for you," I teased, "rewind the movie or never kiss me again. Your choice," I smirked.

"That's cruel!" he pouted, crossing his arms into a sulk. "You know that's my favourite part."

"How are you even contemplating this," I gasped, crossing my hand over my heart in fake hurt. I know Tyler really was contemplating it, but I knew he'd choose me, although there definitely was a thin line between the two. If you have ever seen him watch the movie, you dont even have to watch the screen because he would be mouthing all the words beside you. If you offered him a million dollars to never watch the movie again im pretty sure he wouldnt take it.

"Fine, I choose you," he sighed, "but you'd better appreciate this make out sesh then, because you know what kind of sacrifice this is for me," he warned.

"When will I ever not appreciate being able to kiss you?" I asked rhetorically.

"Just kiss me before I change my mind," he sassed.

"You dont have to ask me again!"

We kissed and cuddled long past when the movie had ended. Tyler easily forgot we were even watching his favourite movie when things started to heat up between us. I had long ago eased Tyler out of his t-shirt and sweat pants, claiming it was unfair for him to be wearing so much clothing when I was forbidden to wear anything more than my boxers. Nothing else had happened between us, it was too soon to go further seeing as we had only kissed earlier today, and both of us knew it. Besides that wasnt all our relationship was about.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Tyler finally piped up after we had been lying there in silence for a while just letting our minds wander, going over the events of today in our heads.

"Well my family is going to help my cousins find their christmas tree, but- before you get all excited about going, unfortunately for you my twinkle pie... We're. Not Going!" I replied cheekily, tapping him on the nose for the three last words.

"What? No! C'maaan, that's my favourite part of christmas! Wait, why do you guys even celebrate Christmas, you're jewish?" he asked curiously, forgetting he was upset momentarily.

"Hahah, good question. We dont really celebrate the religious side, but just enjoy spending family time like decorating the tree and getting gifts for each other. That kind of stuff. Plus we like to refer to it as a Hunnukah bush, but it doesnt really catch on much."

"Oh, I understand. But wait why arent we going?"

"I know you're disappointed, but since my family isnt getting one today cause then we'd have to lug it all the way back home, I thought maybe you could come with us then when we get ours? Plus I thought we could go spend the day at the park. How does that sound?" I suggested meekly, hoping Tyler would prefer this idea better.

"Sounds good, as long as i'm with you," he comforted.

We talked for a while longer, but Tyler obviously realised I was struggling to stay awake. "We've had a long day, how about we get some rest?" he said, placing the laptop on the floor and then cuddling up to me again.

"Thanks, Tilly," I whispered, before I fell asleep.

*Author's Note*

Yes, it's been a while...A LONG WHILE. But im back. Im sorry you guys. The times are tough. I've had a busy few weeks and then exams are up ahead. I do promise however that once they are finished i'll stock up on chapters so you guys are always entertained. I hope you like it so far, nothing much is happening, just some cute fluff to keep the story going. THANK YOU EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU SPECIAL CUTIES FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! keep it up. VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE. i love you <3

Until next time -Trxylering

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