Righting my Wrongs

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*Troye’s POV*

I cant even describe what I’m feeling right now. I feel free from stress and all my previous restraints. I know I should be hurting as my boyfriend just broke up with me, but I don’t. I’m ecstatic that I’ve just been given this opportunity to right my wrongs. To follow my heart. I can accept the feelings I have for Tyler and I can pursue them without causing a huge drama as Craig is the one letting me go. I’m so privileged to have someone like him, who’d encourage me to do something like this for myself. I was rushing to leave Craig’s house, but before I left I thanked him a million times. I also wanted to tell him that it was nothing he did that caused the breakup. I already had feelings for Tyler that were too strong. He was the perfect boyfriend, it was just under the wrong circumstances with too many outside factors influencing the course of our relationship. I left his house with tears of happiness streaming down my face. As I sat inside my car, dialling Tyler’s number, I just laughed. I laughed and giggled and cried all at the same time. For once in my life, things were turning out right. Fate was not acting against me.  

 “Tyler,” I sniffled when he answered the phone.

 “Troye? Shit are you alright?” he asked, getting increasingly worried.

I tried to hide the fact that I was crying, but it was too evident in my voice already. “Im coming over,” I stated.

“Um okay, but Troye what’s going on?” Tyler asked.

“Nothing, see you now,” I said and hung up, eager to get there as soon as possible.

I felt bad for making Tyler worry like this. No doubt about it he was freaking out right now, but I would be at his house soon and then I’d explain everything. I was still crying when I got to his house. I had tried to stop but I’d just laugh at the situation again and then the tears would start. The whole situation was just too overwhelming. As I was pulling into his driveway, I could see him watching through the window and by the time I was walking up the drive he had already opened the door and was waiting for me.

“Troye, are you alright? Speak to me, what happened? Did something happen with Craig?” Tyler freaked out and I just beamed at him, causing his face to fall in confusion. “Troye?” He was so cute when he looked worried.

I wiped my eyes before walking inside, Tyler following after. He shut the door and I turned around trapping him in between me and the door. I raised my hands to cup his face, bringing my face up close to his. “I want to kiss you so bad right now, but I don't want you to be just some rebound,” I whispered seductively. My lips so close to Tyler’s but not touching. I felt him shiver under me, as he just stood there awestruck. 

“Re..rebound?” he stuttered out, pushing my backwards softly so he could stop squirming under such close contact. 

We moved to Tyler’s bedroom before I explained to Tyler what just happened, his face remaining blank throughout my explanation, until right at the very end when his face pulled up into the biggest smile I’d ever seen him wear. Just at the part where I told him, I loved him too. 

“But, I don't want to rush this. I don't want to feel like you are my rebound, although you aren't in this situation, but still. I want to take this slow. I really don't want to mess this up,” I said shyly.

“Troye, trust me, I’ll kick you into line so quickly if you start fucking this up,” Tyler joked, pulling me in to place a reassuring kiss on my cheek. I pulled Tyler into a hug, laying down so he was resting his head on my chest. I absent-mindedly ran my hands through his hair, playing with the soft lilac curls. 

“Im so glad everything is back to how it should be,” I stated, squeezing Tyler’s shoulder with my other hand.

“Everything is just perfect,” he agreed, twisting his head so he could look up at me. “Man, i’ve missed those blue eyes of yours,” he said, causing me to blush and look away. Tyler placed his hand lightly on my jaw, turning my head so I was looking down at him again. “I’ve waited so long to be able to look at them like this again, don’t hide them from me,” he begged softly.  

I connect our eyes again, holding his gaze intensely before leaning down to press my lips to his forehead.

“I’ve waited so long to be able to call you mine,” he mumbled against my neck. My eyes began to droop and I couldnt help but fall asleep after the emotionally draining past two days I'd had. At least I was falling asleep with Tyler's wrapped in my arms.

*Author's Note* 

It's short, yes, sorry. But I just wanted them to be together. Finally! We can all relax. They are going to be taking things slow however, it's going to be fustrating, but so cute dont worry. Thank you for 6k reads guys. I cant believe it. The love you cherry pies give me is unreal. Keep voting and commenting.

 <3 Y'ALL xx


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