Clean Slate

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*Troye's POV*

"Hey, Troye, you in here?" Sage called out.

"Where else would I be?" I chuckled. Did Sage seriously think I'd be outside or something. "Obviously I'm in here," I called out.

"And obviously you're on your laptop," she sassed.

"Correct," I confirmed her suspicions  as she entered my room. I was sprawled across my bed on my stomach, propped up on my elbows so I could scroll through tumblr. She swatted at my leg so I moved over to make room for her to sit.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" I said sarcastically knowing that she came here for something.

"I was thinking-" she started.

"Here it comes," I interupted.

"Shh, let me finish," she said and swatted my leg to make me be quiet. "It's about Tyler," she started and quickly held up a finger warning me to be quiet  as I opened my mouth to protest. "I spoke to him, like you asked and he explained everything. And since I am on neither of your sides in this, I believe I have an impartial opinion on the whole situation. So I suggest you take my suggestions into careful consideration if you dont want to lose Tyler forever," she stated firmly in the utmost businesslike manner.

"But I dont want Tyler back, I have Craig," I argued.

"So you're just going to forget about Tyler forever. You're never going to speak to him again, never have him as a friend ever again."

"True," I admitted defeated.

"That's all I want. You dont have to be in a relationship, but at least try be friends again. So i'll arange something with Tyler. I want you to just get together and put everything in the past. You both over reacted in the heat of the moment due to your emotions, and I can see clearly how over exaggerated everything became. It's really not that impossible for you two to overcome your issues and put everything behind you," Sage said.

"Fine, okay," I caved in. There was no use fighting because she was one hundered percent right about everything. 

"How about tomorrow? Just talk to each other at lunch. That's not that bad, right?" she suggested.

"Yeah, I suppose."

"Yay, great!" she exclaimed, "I'll set it up. Aah, I'm so excited for you two to be friends again," she shouted excitedly.


 "Sage, you cant just drag me over there," I fussed. 

"Uh, yes I can," she stated and before I could argue with her anymore she had already pulled me over to Tyler who had his back to us. She tapped him on the shoulder so I quickly wrestled my sleeve out from her grasp.

"Hey, Tyler," she beamed as he turned around to face us. When I didnt greet him, she nudged me slightly.

"Hi," I choked out.

"Troye," Tyler greeted a bit too formally with a nod.

"So," Sage jumped right in, "Troye and I were going for lunch together after school if you want to join?" 

"Uh, yeah that sounds great," he agreed. Tyler spoke directly to Sage. "I've got to head to class, but I'll catch up with you two after school." He gave a quick glance in my direction, long enough for our eyes to make contact before flitting away and then turned to walk away. When he had made a small distance between us Sage turned to stare at me.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Go with him stupid!" she explained.

"I dont even know why I listen to you, I'm older," I stated, willing for an opportunity to get out of it.

"Go," she commanded and I sighed defeated at jogged to catch up with him.

"Oh, Troye," Tyler jumped as I reached his side.

"Just thought I'd walk with you."

"We dont have the same class though?" he questioned my actions.

"Company," I suggested and he nodded his head in approval that he understood my intentions.

"Where are we going for lunch?" he blurted just as the silence was becoming too long for normal and had begun becoming awkward.

"Lunch?" I asked confused, but then remembered Sage's plan, the plan that she had not informed me of at all and had sprung on me last minute so I couldnt get out of it, and covered my tracks. "Oh yeah, that lunch. I'm not sure actually. It's Sage's idea."

"So she put you up to this as well, didnt she?" he asked knowingly as the pieces all clicked together.

"The whole 'just be friends' thing?" I asked in return for confirmation.

"Yeah," he agreed and we both broke out into laughter at Sage's attempt. The laughter felt good. For once we were back to normal, sharing a moment and when the laughter faded Tyler turned to look at me and smiled. "Maybe Sage was right after all. Being friends isnt such a bad idea. It's nice to have you back," he beamed.

"Yeah, feels good," I smiled, and with that the awkwardness faded and our friendship was fixed. Momentarily of course. There would be obstacles we would have to face in order to fully forgive each other and move on, but as of right now we were happy in each other's company.

"You better head to class before you're late," Tyler suggested, and I looked around realising that we had come to a hault in front of Tyler's next class and I still had to get to mine which was a couple corridors down.

"Yeah, shoot. better go before my teacher shouts at me."

"Bye, Troye," Tyler greeted.

"Bye Tilly," I replied naturally. I noticed Tyler's step faulter a tiny bit on his way into the class when he heard what I said, but it was so small and he covered it up pretty well. I couldnt believe I called him by his nickname. It sounded so foreign. Seemed so long ago that I called him that.

He disappeared around the corner, but seconds later his head had popped around the doorframe. "See you after school," he said and paused before adding with a smirk, "Troyeboy."

I couldnt concentrate during class and the teacher already shouted at me for being late and then again for day dreaming so I pretended to be doing the work although my mind couldnt put a single thing together. I kept thinking about the fuzzy feeling I felt when I thought about Tyler. I scrutinised the feeling when I realised it could be me having feelings for him again, but I realised the feeling wasnt that but happiness. Happy that we are friends again. For once in a long time I feel as if everything is working. Im not fighting with Tyler anymore and I have Craig, although I have a feeling Sage is trying to set me up with Tyler. But right now im just going to take in what I have. Sage said I should get Tyler back as a friend and that's exactly what happened. And i'm glad she made me because I never knew how much I missed Tyler until I had him back and that emptiness that I had inside me that I couldnt quite understand, it isnt there anymore. Instead it's filled by a little guy with lilac hair.

*Author's Note*

Sorry for not updating, school started again and it was my birthday so I have been too busy/ lazy to write, but I promise i'll try update for you babies. Thanks for all the support, never knew people would like it. ANY IDEAS FOR THE PLOT LINE LET ME KNOW!

- Trxylering x

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