Troyler - The Beginning

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*Tyler's POV*

I awoke from my nap, dazed and confused. Sleeping at random times during the day really doesnt help my body's clock much. I reached out my arm to get my phone to check the time, when I felt restricted. I turned around so quickly, startled to find someone in my bed, until I looked to find it was only Troye. The memories from earlier flooded my mind instantly and a large grin swept across my face. The sleeping beauty who is Troye started to stir due to my sudden movement and awoke to come face to face with my massive smile.

"What are you so happy about?" he groaned, typical for the non-morning person he is even though he'd only been napping.

"Because I awoke to find you in my bed," I chirped happily. "I cant believe this is what it's going to be like from now on," I said excited.

"It's not if you dont shut up and come cuddle," he demanded, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me over towards him until I was wrapped up in his arms. "What time is it?" he asked, his lips pressed into my hair.

I reached over to grab my phone, quickly shuffling back into place in his arms. "Six thirty, shit we slept for a long time," I exclaimed.

"Oh crap. I havent even done any of my work yet," I said, remembering all the homework for math and english we had been assigned.

"Ugh neither have I," I agreed, "unfortunately that means our cuddle session needs to be cut short," I pouted.

"Ten more minutes?" he begged, batting his eyelashes.

"Fine, only because you're such a cutie," I caved, tapping him on the nose, causing him to scrunch it up adorably. "Troye?" I asked after a while of us just lying there in comfortable silence.

"Mhhm," he hummed, still sleepy.

"What is it going to be like between us from now?" I asked, trying to get some clarity.

"This," he replied, pressing a kiss on my cheek. I giggled at his cute response, blushing slightly.

"No seriously," I said, "like at school and stuff?" I asked again.

"Well, I dont know about you, but i'm going to walk around hand in hand with a cute little guy with lilac hair and i'm going to wait for him outside his classes and i'm going to buy him lunch and treat him like the king of the school," he replied in one breath. This time my face turned bright red and I buried my face in the covers. Troye wormed his way under the covers, creating a mini fort, and settled himself at eye level with me.

"Well, there is this one guy who plays basketball, he's very cute, but im going to ignore him cause he's like a total ass-" I responded sassily and Troye whacked my chest in response, jumping up out of the duvet fort and going to sulk in his pillow.

"JUST KIDDING," I screamed, but Troye ignored me, playing up his hurt. "Well, I was going to show off the whole school this other cute guy who plays basketball, that i'm really into, but he's ignoring me now so I cant really do that anymore," I said, raising my voice at the end in a suggestive manner.

Troye flipped over onto his side, running a hand through his messy hair so it was out of his eyes. "Well in that case..." he said and then reached over to tackle me down onto the bed next to him and placed kisses all over my face. "But, i've got to go, babe," he said, getting up off the bed and straightening out his wrinkled clothes.

"Do you have to?" I whined.

"Unless you want me to fail school and my parents lock me away forever, then you'll never get to see me again."

"Fine, you may go," I dismissed him. I got out of bed to let him out, waving goodbye as he drove away.


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