Ch 28: Jelousy

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Y/n's P.O.V.

We arrived at the palace and the others helped me get San and Jisung followed us to the clinic like room of the palace. Luckyly its near the entrance so we dont have to go upstairs. I let him sat on one of the bed anf let Jisung lay Hyunjin. San held his injured sholder as I looked for the things needed "Y/n go help Hyunjin" Yunho said and I nodded rushing to the other side. I saw Jisung putted a towel on Hyunjin's injury to stop the bleeding "Ji get Seungmin and Hoseok I need assistance" I said and he nodded and I slowly took his place. The two quickly hepled me. Seungmin took out all the needed things and juging from the shape of the scar he got shoted. I shoted him to sleep so he wont be hurt too much. I also shoted something on his veins from it not to get infected. I held the twizers in my right hand and sighed nervously. I slowly took ou the bullet and putted it on thw bowl that Seungmin prepared. After that I let Hoseok stitch the scar and were all done. I went to the other side to check on the two "its all done he's just resting" Yunho said to me and I smiled. We all went out of the room to see the others still there waiting. "San's injury wasnt that serious and deep. Just a stitch and some good rest will do" Yunho said "Hyunjin was lucky to not get shothed on the importan organ. He'll be fine and a good rest will do aswell. But both cant do rough things. Hyunjin cant have the energy to use his powers in the mean time" I said abd they all sighed in relief leting the two rest. The all took turns of looking out for the two.

-the next day-

Yoongi's P.O.V.

The two have to rest in oreder to heal and fast after yesterday so we all stayed in the palace for the time being. "Hoba have you seen my phone!" I said "I think ist at the main living room hyung!" He responded from the game room. I went on my way to the main living room to get my phone. When I entered the main living room everythings pretty normal. Taehyun and Beomgyu wreseling at the ground and Kai cheering at them, Hyunjin and Jisung bickering about stupid things, and Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook killing each other over a mobile game, and Jongho and Wooyoung is probably attemting to burn- I mean cook in the kitchen Yep seems pretty normal to me. One thing that bothers me the most is Y/n and San is practicly so close to each other. 'Why the hell does that bother me' I said to myself. "Which bothers you" someone suddely said from my back which startled me. I looked at my back ready to punch the living heck of that person. When I saw Jin hyung I lowered my fist "What do you mean?" I said confused "dont pleay dumb Yoongi you know I can read minds as fast as your powers" Jin hyung said 'well sh*t' I said to myself "yah dont curse" I sighed and looked at the two again now talking with each other. Then I started to feel some burnung sensation at my chest like the feeling that I dont want any other man to be so close to her is this the feeling of-
"OMG Yoongi hyung are you atually jelous of the two" I heard someone from beside me making me startled. Again. I turned and saw Namjoon "Ugh what is wrong with you people staryleing me these days" I said and looked at him "and Im not jelous" I said to him "please take care of our sister if she ever say yes to you" Jin hyung said "uugghhh" I groaned in frustration and walked out of the living room not forgeting to grab my phone from the desk near the entrance.

Y/n's P.O.V.

I went to the living room after I finished eating and get myself ready for the day. I went to the empty seat at the couch which was next to San. The two are healing by the way but still cant get too much power used. "Im bored" I said out of the blue "Use you phone then" he said and continued whatever the heck hes doing in his phone. I sighed. "Ugh fine" he said and I smiled as he exited the game hes playing and putted it to the two player game. We played for awhile until his phone died. 'Now what' I said to myself. I noticed Yoongi that seems to be looking at our direction but I ignored it. "Why cant you just woman up and tell him how you-" I cutted San's whining by putting my hands on his moth covering it. I looked at Yoongi's direction again to see him conversing with two of my brothers. I sighed in releif and glared at him only to receve giggles from him. "Thank goodness I cutted you at the right time" I said and leaned ont the sofs more. I glanced at his direction again only to him leave frustratedly and the two of my brothers tailing him. I sighed and looked at their direction again and I saw my two brothers looking at me and they ran away and I sighed once again 'too much sighs for one day' I said to myself.......



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