Ch 42

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Third Person's P.O.V.

"WHAT?!" Yoongi asked "what do you mean "go with the flow hyung!?" Taehyung said "I'm not done yet" Namjoon said "ok so spill" Jin said "ok so what I'm planing is since the wedding is about to go in 5 days-" "5 days how did you know that" Jisoo asked "I eavesdropped ok" Namjoon said and Jisoo nodded "anyways, in those 5 day 10 of us have to trigger some memories when all of these started" Namjoon said "how are yoi sure it will work" Vi asked "J got the information from Minho and Beomgyu we should at least trust their solutions" Namjoon said and the nodded. "What about the remaining one?" Yoongi asked "your the remaining one hyung. Since your a lot more special to Y/n that any of us you will be doing the triggering at the wedding" Namjoon said and they all nodded.

-day 1-

Jin's P.O.V.

"Y/n can I talk to you for a second" I said "sure what is is" Y/n said and sat they both sat on the chairs "remember that time when I kind of snuck you out of the kingdom to escape all our problems" I said "I snuck out of the kingdom? I don't recall any of that" Y/n said with a confused face and I sighed "please remember this sis you'll need it somehow" I said.

Hoseok's P.O.V.

"Y/n! Hey!" I said waving my arms at her siting on the bench as I ran across the garden to reach where she sat "what are you doing here Hoseok?" She asked. I wasn't  really used to be called by my real name by Y/n as she used to call me 'hobi' everytime like this and I never want to get used to it. I sighed and sat beside her "can I tell you something?" I asked "sure" Y/n said "do recall the time when you were in one of Gyungbokgungs cell?" I said "no.." Y/n said "still, when you told me that story that you saw me appeared and reappeared in front of your cell with purple and dark smokes and you thought is was a hallucination, It was actually me" he said and smiled and the girl sat there listening still confused and Hoseok sighed "once you back you'll be more surprise" I said and left.

-4 days later-

Yoongi's P.O.V.

When all of them have done their part of the so called plan we went to Jin's room again to properly discuss what we're gonna do tomorrow. "What do you want me to say to her tomorrow" I asked Namjoon "well, just like what we all did, let her recall all the things that happened in the past days" he said "and if it doesn't work?" I asked "let just hope it will" Jennie said "why are you having your doubts now?" Jin said "thats not-" Yoongi said but Namjoon cutted his words "we can always go to phase two"

Y/n's P.O.V.

The past five days all of them are telling me these senarios that they said happened in our past and asking me if can recall them. But I don't seems to recall all of it. But everytime I thought of them I somehow find them a little familiar to but I just shuged it off. These past few day we have also been busy preparing from the wedding tommorow and everything ready. I went to our fathers room and knocked and father's assistant announced that I was there and he letted me enter. I walked in "dad can I visit mom?" I nervously asked. He looked me "yeah sure since you've doing fine these past few days" he said and motioned his hand for me to go and so I made my way to mom's room.

Third Person's P.O.V.

Y/n knocked and the queens assistant opened the door. Mina looked at the doors direction and she stood up "Y/n how are you holding up" she  said "I'm fine so far" Y/n said "are you sure your ok to the marriage? You have been so distanced to you friends since that breakfast" mom said "of course I am, and yeah I may be because I'm more focused at the wedding now" Y/n said while smiling 'I thought she doesn't want to marry Myungho, what changed? At the ball she barely even showed up to him' the queen said to herself "anyways I just came here to see how you're doing mom I'll get going now" Y/n said and exited the rsaidand Mina sighed "we used to have long hours of conversation since I'm not allowed to go out, somethings really do change" the queen said

King Dylan's P.O.V.

"Everything is going as planed" Dianna said "for know, we have to make sure the wedding will happen no matter what" I said "come on brother don't be so negative, tomorrow is the wedding what could possibly happen" she said and I rolled my eye "Only the Queens and Kings of the three kingdom know whats going on and we have to keep it that way if the people knew that it was a forced marriage and I drugged and threatened Y/n to agree the two of us can be voted out by all the people of every kingdom in South Korea" I said and she sighed "and if both my son and wife knew of what we are doing all the things that we planned could go south" Sunjin said.......

I dont have a title at this chapter as you all can see :\ ...


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