Ch 2: Missing

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-the Next Day-

Thrid persons P.O.V.

"Taehyung please wake up your sister" the queen said "Ok mom" then he replied. He went to her sisters room and knovked. "Y/n breakfast is read" he siad and waited a little and waited for her to come out of her room and said "Y/n Im going in" he went in and saw that there is no one in the bed he paniced a little and said "maybe shes in the bathroom dont paninc Tae" he said to himself and went to the bathroom As he was near the bathroom he didnt hear a single water running nor a sound in the bathroom and that when he paniced and shouted...

Taehyung's P.O.V.

As mom told me to woke Y/n up I went strai to her room and knocked at her door. " Y/n breackfast is ready" I said and waited for her to come out of her room and said"Y/n Im going in" I went in and saw the no one is in the bed I paniced a little and said "maybe she is in the bathroom dont panic Tae" I sait to my self and went near the bathroom I didnt hear a single water running nor a sounf in the bathroom and thats were I paniced shouted 'ugh!! This is all father's fault!' I said to myself

Namjoon's P.O.V.

While we are waiting for the two to come we suddenly hear Taehyung screaming "mom dad Y/n is not in her room!!" he said panicly I quickly stood up in shock "what did you check the bathroom?" asked worriedly "yes I did and shes not there some of her things arent there ether" he said while sobing "then where is she where is my baby. This is all my fault" mom said with a cracking voice while Jin is trying to comfort mom "assemble guards as mang as you can and find my dauther non of them will return unless shes with them" dad said "yes Your Majesty" the maid said and quickly rushed to the chief of the guards.

Third Person's P.O.V.

'Oh that idiot really isnt going to listen to me!' The king said to himself frustrated "get San over here right now!" He shouted and the three boys paniced as the maids hurried to get the said boy. After a minute he went to the king nervous "Y-yes your majesty" San said "oh dont you *yes your majesty* me your suppose to me her god damn body guard but you letted her slip out of your hand!" The king shouted "and get the fucking guards that suppose to guard her room last night!" He shouted again "if the guards didnt find her for two moths you know whats going to happen to you. Your dismissed" the king said "u-uhh your majesty the general said the said guatds are out looking for her to" one of the maids said "oh those fucking cowards!" The king shouted and left the dinning room. 'Uugghhh! Sunjin is going to be mad at me if he knew about this' the king said to himself and went strait to the main hall

Jin's P.O.V.

After dad left I went to San to check on him as what Y/n told me to do so. I went out of the dinning room and I saw Hongjoong, Yeosang and Yunho waiting for us to come out. I ordered Ynho to not follow me but he insisted. I understan that the got scared that the thing that happened to San might happen to them when they left our side so I just allowed it and just went to my room. After that I let myself fall to my bed. How am I soppose to tell them mom is crying so hard that she passed out so we all went at moms room waiting for her to wake up and took care of her the doctor in the palace said that she passed out due to stress.......



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