Ch 5: Daegu II

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Y/n's P.O.V.

As we went to the kitchen Yoongi asked one of the maid in the palace to prapare a meal for me to eat. and as I was eating I fetl like someone is staring at me so I felt unease and look around but I didnt saw anyone. I continued eating then I heard a sligth knock in the kitchn door. the maids opened the door and some chied of the palace showed up saying "Your Majesty the three kingdoms has arrived" after I heard what the guard said I started panicing inside I think Yoongi noticed and said "oh ok you may go" he said calmly but I know deep inside he is also panicing The guard left the kitchen and we both started finding a good place for me to hide before the two kingdoms arrived at the dinning table where the all are soppose to meet. Then he led me to a room with two guards standing next to the door and let me in. I started wondering why it has guards in both side of the door. When we enter it was like I was in heaven I mean theres a lot of music stuffs in here its like a studio but it has a piano in the corner of it "I puted guards outside cause I dont want anybody to came here" He said and I just nodded then he spoke again "Im going to meet up with the others now ok stay here" "ok" I simply answered and he went out I suddenly here the guards saying 'yes Your Majesty' and heard footsteps slowly disapering 'huh...guess he talked to them' I though and just sat down while admiring the whole studio. The studio was big I expected that since he really like to play various of instrument when he was young and I guess he still like it cause he has a studio this big. He also onece taught me how to play the piano I want to play it so I knocked on the door and it was opened by one of the guards "do you need anything miss?" The one assked "um I was just going to ask if the piano wont be heard from the dinning room" I said "dont worry miss it wont" the other one politly said and clossed the door again. So now that Im sertain I sat on the stool infront of the piano and played the peice Yoongi taught me way back then to kill the time

Yoongi's P.O.V.

As I left Y/n to my studio I told the guard to not let anyone go in that room without my permission or until I return then I run back to the dinning table where I was suppose to meet the three kingdoms. When I reach the dinning table I saw the three kingdoms entering the dinning hall. As they went and sat down. Then  King Dylan of Gyoengbokgung started speaking "Ive called a meeting to anouncce something..." the king said and I catch a hint of saddness I guess and seriousness in his voice as he spoke "Princess Y/n ran away to the palace and is now missing, we would appriciate if all of you will help us find her" he said and I began to sweat a little 'the guard of my palace told me that she was found roaming aroung the forest near Deagu" He stoped and began to talk again "So I suspected that she may ve here near the palace or IN the palace" he stoped again epazizing the 'in' and glaced at me "So I brought some of my guards to search the arra-" I cutted his words and thats where I snaped "NO you think you can just invade the privacy of Daegu just because you dauther is missing and was said to be fout near our forest and you a king. Daegu has privacy aswell so NO ONE will seach Daegu unless they got my permission" I said with a stearn voice.......



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