Ch 14: Another Palace II

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Soobin's P.O.V.

It was getting late and Yeonjun hasnt came back to the cabin. I went to Vi noona "hey noona Im going to look for Yeonjun" I said "good I was about to say to you to find him" She said then I nodded and went to the front door and went outside. I looked for him and a minute I saw him  at thr small hill thats like at the forest but smaller. I approched him and I think he didnt heard me from behind cause he flinched. Then he looked at me and sigh in relief "hey whats bugging you youve been here hours ago" I said and he looked at me and looked at the sky again and I already knew what he mean 'it still hurts him through the past years..' I thought and looked at the sky to "I miss them to.." I said and we sat at a comfortable silence. "What are we going to do after we finished our revenge? We know deep down that we cant bring them all back after that.." it hitted me that we actualy did nog think this far "...Im sure we'll find a way..." I said "Come one the others are worried let go back" I said again and he nodded and followed me back to the cabin. Once we arrived there Namjoon hyung called all of us for a head count And all of us are here. Then we started heading to bed..

Bed1-Jin & Yoongi
Bed2-Hosek & Namjoon
Bed3-Jimin &Taehyung
Bed4- Jungkook & Yeonjun
Bed5- Soobin & Beomgyu
Bed6- Taehyun & Kai
Bed7- Vi & Jisoo
Bed8- Jennie & Rosè
Bed9- Lisa & Y/n

And we all went to sleep.

-Next day-

Y/n's P.O.V.

Its already morning and we all are awake and started packing as we are just staying there for one night after we started packing we went to the farm-looking-thing where they keep the horeses of the visitors and collect ours Then we headed our way out the village and continued our journey...

Y/n's P.O.V.

It been three hours since we left the villagr and Vi unnie cant stop whining about it "uhg when are we going to get there? When are we going to stop" she whined "Vi you know that we dont have an exact location on where are we going right?" Hoseok asked "I know" she answred "then stop complaining already yoi arent even the one thats walking it soppose to be the horeses are whining inted of you youve been whining for the pass few minites now" Jin scolded her she sight and pounted then stoped.

-four hours later-

We've been walking for seven hours strait still walking for knowhere when we came across a big tree we planed to rest the horses there for a bit, feed and let thrm drink at thr lake near by. And we are pited in separate groups to inspect if its safe for us to stay there. After resring there for an hour or two we head back to the path.

-A few minites later-

"Hey I think this path is pretty familiar to me" Kai said "yeah mom use to take us to this paths" Yeonjun said "well do you still remember if there is a places here so we could stay there were pretty far from the kingdoms" Namjoon said "as far as I remember we would visit a palace but I think only use royal in our kingdom nows it its kinda long forgoten if I say" Beomgyu said "Can you still lead us there?" Jin said "we think so" Taehyun said and we followed them abd ended up to a preety abandoned yet still desent palace. "Wait isnt this the Gyeonghuigung Palace?" I asked them "yeah it is. But I think someone has been living here its pretty clean yet looked abandond at the same time we have to be carefull" Soobin said and we bacame causious as we approche the palace. We left the horses far and we slowly went to the palace. Then suddenly an arrow staitly pass me that slightly hitted my right cheek "Augh" I said and the looked at me then looked at the seached for tge ditection of the arrow I touched my cheek and and I saw that it was bleeding the girls approched me as the boys surrounded us. "Omg Y/n are you ok?" Vi unnie asked "Im ok" I said

Third Person's P.O.V.

As the group approched the palace the 8 boys got ready to shoot who ever come to their new teritory. Half of them are armed and the the other half is at thier wolf form ready to pounce at the group. They first shoted the girl but missed and slightly cutted her right cheek as the hid again. Then theu saw the boys at the group suround the girls. They were getting ready to pounce at the group "wait isnt that Beomgyu?" one of them asid and the four wolf tured to human and looked closer along with the others. "It is them..there also alive.." another one of them said and they went out of there hiding spot to approche thr group and the five boys were left with shock.

Beomgyu's P.O.V.

We all surounded the girs to protect them when a group of boys approched us we looked at them and the five of us were shocked.

'Our friends..are alive...'

I ran to them and so as the boys as they ran to us aswell and we ended up in a group hug "we miss you guys we thought youre all dead" I said "We mis you all to" Chan hyung said then we separated "so who are they" Minho hyung said "oh after the dissaster that happend at our place we ended up in their forest and lived there" Yeonjun hyung said. And the 8 of them introduced their selves  and and so as the group "wait the four of you are from that kingdom!" Changbin hyung angrily shouted "wait hyung they dont mean no harm, yes there from that kingdom but thier father didnt treat them well.." Taehyun said "we still cant trust them fully" Hyunjin hyung said "its ok we promise" kai said and Chan hyun sigh "ok but we'll still look after you guys" he said and we eventually agreed. Felix opend the doors of the palace as he was the holder of the key and they all went in thankfuly they still have enough room for all and they picked rooms.......



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