A Dark And Stormy Night

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pinkie pie: welcome to sugar cube corner OH MY GOODNESS A NEW PERSON TIME TO START A PARTY."

twiligh sparkle: sorry about pinkie shes always like that so can we hear the story

Astarot: yes, ok ok part 3 u know I thinks its jacks time to tell a the story


twilight sparkle :oh dont mind about pinky and i dont think jack will be here in any moment *looks in the men's bathroom*

sweetiebell,scootaloo, sugarbell :TELL THE STORY ALREADY!

astaroth:alright alright *chuckle* 

  ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ ^....^ 


As king Sombra walk around the woods and keep staring at Fluttershy and to the clouds as he stares he notice it was starting to rain "come with me it's going to rain."

Fluttershy stared at King Sombra in disbelief "w-w-why?"

King Sombra did not hesitate to answer and took her hand to get back and take shelter, at first Fluttershy was supper shock but when a single drop of rain in her face she has no choice she has ro follow him for her safety and for the safety if her new friends.

While King Sombra was walking everything started to get dark he knew that he should be faster. But it was too late it started to rain very heavily. He no longer has to go back to his kingdom but instead find a cave.

"Fluttershy hurry." He growled while entering the cave "o-oh m-my I'm so sorry." She quickly ran behind him.

While they were inside king Sombra saw Fluttershy freezing he didn't know why but he gave her his coat "her it will protect you from the cold." As he places it in her shoulders she gave a high quickly and that made king Sombra smile.

It was really getting dark and they need fire good thing king Sombra have his crystal power lightening up the place but he needed a fire to stop the coldness inside. He was shaking he cursed himself for giving Fluttershy his coat he could have had it all to himself.

While Fluttershy was feeling warm on his coat she realize that the longer they are their king Sombra started to shake in the cold but they can start a fire since all the wood and stick are wet the only thing in her mind to keep warm is a nice hug, she blushes while thinking about it but he had shown her kindness and kindness she must return.

She slowly stood up from where she is seating and walk behind king Sombra, she was blushing so madly "k-king s-Sombra a-are y-y-you feeling cold?" she asks him but king Sombra said "no" but she could feel that he is cold and he needs something to make him secure she don't want him to get sick and she knows she is evil but all he needs is a friend that can understand him so she hugged him.

king Sombra was so shock and awe of what Fluttershy did she feel so hot yet she provided him comfort in the cold but he wondered why she was giving him kindness yet it wasn't for him "Fluttershy why?" she looks at him in the eyes king Sombra blush a little she told him "kindness has no boundaries and i know there is kindness inside you so take my kindness and let us warm the night."

king Sombra was blushing so hard in her kind words he never thought how nice it was to be hugged through his days of war and power it was the first time he has felt to be hug all over again. gently he reached his arms around her and he returns the hug he could feel her soft cherry smell of her hair and it is like flowers, some sweet flower.

she smiles and hugs him tighter there he could feel that she trust him but why maybe he will know tomorrow as he returns the hug the rain stop and they sleep peacefully. and wait for the dawn to rise. once more 

*,.......,* *,.....,* *,......,*

Astarot :yea

CMC: that was supper short but its ok.

Twilight: nice what do u thing sunset?

Sunset :Its kinda cool

Jack: why did u guys lock me out comon

Astarot:w8 for part 4 thank you for you're support

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now