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celestia: *take a sip of her coffee*

luna: *look at Celestian and sip her coffee*


Discord, Sombra: whats wrong with them?

Astaroth: ehehe well they had a fight becuz luna ate Tia's cakes

Discord: oooo those cakes i ate

Celestia and Luna: *stood up* WHAT?!

Discord: *fidget* what did i say something oh look at the time im going cha cha~ *teleport away quickly before they grab him*

^...^      ^...^     ^...^

Celestia walk up to her throne as she look down over to her people who has fear and worry upon their eyes. sje frowned and sigh softly

"everyone please take your seat as the ceremonial wedding is about to begin"

she said as they look at her and nodded as they sat down but she can hear their faint voice of chattering and she know well some of to what their thinking is that they finally graved up. but she hoped the best over to her mother and father that their thoughts isnt true

as the bell started to sing the people turn to the door and gasp when they saw Heart walking over to celestia and followed by the ring bearer, the flower girls and the groom and brides maid

right above the ceremony Rainbow dash and apple jack watched " do you think this is going to work?"

" just stick in the plan and everything is going to be okey" Sombra cut in before Apple jack can answer

"im just not sure Sombra" Rainbow dash as he scratched her head

" i thought you were the one who never gives up?" Sombra said raising a brow as Apple jack look at him and she realized were this is going

" wha-uh-me? " rainbow dash place a hand over to her chest " me? pfft of course i can do the job thats not a bug deal!" she said happily as Sombra smile happily " then ill be expecting a good job" he said as he turn into smoke and teleported away

Apple jack look at Rainbow dash " you know he just out smarted you right?" she ask as her eyes turn wide

^...^    ^...^    ^...^

Starlight and Twilight sat in the other  people inside as they waited for fluttershy to arrive

" remember keep the civilians safe" starlight said as twilight nodded " lets just hope we stick to the plan and no one fails"

^...^    ^...^     ^...^

rarity pinkie pie and luna was preparing a special party cannon as Sombra look at them " how will it take song as this party cannon mix up with power instead of cakes and sweets?" he ask

" were about to finish but i got the bad feeling about this sombra" Luna said as pinkie pie notice a little cracks from her party cannon

" oh no i dont think my party cannon cant hold such power" she said a she put her hands up in the air

rarity sigh " dont be bothers pinkie its just a little crack" she said to her as they head celestias voice spoke once again

" ladies and gentle men the bride has arrive" she said as Fluttershy walk inside feeling rather unsettling about the plan and she feared she might fail it as she look over to heart and she gulped the lump in her throat and started walking as best as she can trying not to look around for her friends and sombra in the castle so no one will get spotted

luna flied on-top of the ceiling of the castle as she looks at pinky pies cannon " oh dear Celestian i hope fate is among us" she whispered as she watched Fluttershy walk in the isle

" Princess Luna" Pinkie pie whispered as she held the partie cannon as it was starting to shake and rattle as she held it tight

Luna was panicking what to do next. in such power whatever has been plan

Pinkie pie held her weapon down as good as possible as her hair became curlier as it already is

Luna place a hand to her shoulder " dont panic pink one if we do we might not return back from what we started" she said as pinkie pie nodded


the music played as Fluttershy continue walk to the isle
......................> ~ <.........................

scootaloo : woah what happen next?

Discord : * hide behind scootaloo while Ceslestia amd luna's having a rampage on finding him* i believe i should be the one to to tell since i dearly remember what happen  *chuckle*

rainbow dash: * fake cough* i believe i can tell the best part of it

Discord: nuh uh!

Rainbow dash: uh yeah!

Discord: nuh uh!

Rainbow dash: uh yeah!

Discord: nuh uh!

Rainbow dash: uh yeah!

Twilight: Quit it!!!

discord and Rainbowdash: *silent*

twilight: how about i tell the story

Astaroth: *scream* hey LuLu . Tia. Disco is right over there

DIscord: oh gotta go!!! * teleport before Tian and Luna can capture him

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now