Father and Son

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Sombra: *nervious*

Shining armor and astaroth: *enter the room*

Astaroth: feeling nervious? *grin

Sombra: *laugh* a bit

Shining armore: there is nothing to worry about i was like this when were going to meet our little radian heart
^...^    ^...^     ^...^

"wake up my child" a voice said in the distance as Sombra eye's eyes were blinded by the light and he let out a groan "whats? ...what happen?" he said as he started opening his eyes and he was a field with flowers and beautiful tress around them and the beauty of Celestia's sun was shining the place. but what cout him the most was the two figures in front of him

"my child you have grown so handsome!" a voice said that made Sombra's ears twitch "m-mom?" he said as his vision adjusted by the light and he can see him mother hugging him and his father with a proud smile

"h-how?" he ask them "am i dead?" he ask them as the king laugh while shooking its head "my son i dont think your dead after all you still have so much to live" he said as he mother moved aside and they picked him up "it took us too much magic to communicate with you once again and with the help of luna within her dreams she spoke to us on what you have been doing all these years" the king said as the queen pinched him making him yelp "and you have been such a bad bad child" she scold him as Sombra sigh "i was lost in anger and i was blinded by power... apologies my mother" he said

the king Shooked his head "when you were once a child ive never thought you such a thing!" he said

the Queen look at him "dont talk to him that you have cared for him when he was a child. all i see from you is when you have been hurting him" she said

the king look at his wife surprisingly "i have not"

the queen frowned "yes you do when he was first born the look onto your face said it all!"

"when he was born i was reading his future thats why ive got a terror in my face" he said as the Queen look at him "you say your magic as an alliby "

"but its true " he said as he walk over to sombra "when you were a child"



little Sombra cried in sadness as the kids called him ugly and a monster. the king walk over to him and placed his arms to his shoulder "my child why are you crying?" he ask him

"those kids *sniff* they said i was a demon" he said

"dont mind those kids if they treat you like an outcast then treat them with a smile and kindness. remember your a prince. a prince with a warrior of a father and a kind and loving mother dont let those things bring you down like you arent going to be their king when you grow up. instead play a different card and act as if you dint listen. like that they will grow tired of calling you something and leave you alone for good " he said as he gently waved his shoulder

"this are one of the challenging you have to face if your going to be a king. you need to be strong, brave, kind, friendly and Generous" he said with a smile "and your going to have a queen beside you who will guide you and treat you right with love and respect, and she will love you from what you really are"

sombra sniff and wipe his crying eyes "now stop crying" he paused and the door silently open as her mother peek" if your going to be a king stop" while he was taking he was about to pat sombras head but instead accidentally cut his finger on Sombra's crown " crying!" he shouted in pain as Sombra gasp by his sudden act and cried

"what are you doing to him!" the queen screamed and she pulled her son away from him and left with sombra as she try to call him down

the king suck the blood of his wounded finger as he look by the door "but its all just an understanding" he mumble

end of flashback


the king sigh and the Queen blink "but... i thought you were shouting at him "

Sombra look at them and smile as he hugged them both "im sorry mom and dad it seems that when my brother hit me with a bow-

i know if i was only there i could have stop it from happening" the king said with anger

"but then again i guest im glad he did" he said as the king and queen look at him confusedly "why?" they ask him

"sombra smile "because of him i woudnt have become immortal and meet the woman of my life. she, is just like how you mention it father. loving and will guide me and treat me right with love and respect, and she will love me from what i really am and not to what i have " he said "just like you mother" he said with a smile

"i cant wait to meet her someday" the queen said with joy as Sombra nodded "ive bet you will like her" he said happily

the king place his arms to his shoulder "i want you to put down your brother but please promise us you woudnt do what he did to you" he said as the queen nodded

"Please sombra he is still your brother even thoe how much he tried to kill you dont turn rocks on him" she said

Sombra sigh "i cannot make promises mother and father...but i will try "

His father smile and pat his shoulder "you are a good child sombra... always, i hope you make the right choice" "we love you" hus mother said as he hugged him

^...^       ^...^       ^...^

Sombra open his eyes and he was filled with a dark room "were... were am i?" He thought as he stand up and surprised to be faced with bars infront of his face

" sombra your awake!" Celestia  said trap in a cell with her sister

Sombra look up to see everyone in the room as Twilight try to comfort pinky pie

"what happen why are here?" Sombra ask them

"Your brother. When you back down we tried to stop him and put him down yet somehow he became more stronger and we have no change agains him " shining armor said as he hold candece close to him " Sombra he took fluttershy" twilight cut in as she look at them and rainbow dash tug on the wall regreting that she dint save her friend from that monster

Sombra turn pale and his heart into pure darkness as he started to groul and grip onto the bars

"We have to get out of here right now!" He said

Celestia look at him "calm down Sombra!" She said as she walk to him

"Calm down? Calm down! He has fluttershy for crying out loud and what if he do something to her?! I woudnt forgive myself if something did" he said to them

Shinig armor look at him and sign "anger woudnt do anything Sombra. I know fluttershy is safe trust me" he said trying to calm him down " and you will see her again when you know it"

Suddenly a door open on the distance and two pair of green eyes eluminated the darkness "i see my brother is awake" he said with a smile

Sombra growl and hold the bars " were is fluttershy!" He said tugging onto the bars with anger

"She's sleeping in another cage. Shes very good at kicking so i have to tie her up" he said to him

"Dont you dare touch her!" Sombra said angrily

"Relax you will never see her anymore and your going to die alone in this cage along with" he look at luna, celestia, shining armor and candes as he grin "along with the other princessess and soon the whole world will be mine!" he said with a laugh as he walk out of the room leaving sobra tugging in the chains wanting to break it apart

^....^       ^...^     ^...^

Candes, celestia and luna : * enter the room*

Celestia: we got here as soon as possible

Twilight: pinky will be here to pick up some cakes and ballon * smile happily as Apple jack and Rainbow dash enter to room and peek by the window *

Astaroth: see you all in the next chapter ahahhaahah

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now