to live or to Die

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Sombra: * sip a coffee beside a grave * funny that i still visit you althoe how much you try to kill me *smile and take a deep breath while wayching the sun set*

*chickle and look at the grave* after all ...

were still brother's *smile*

^...^ ^...^ ^...^

A Crystal Guard enter inside the throne room holding a pice of thorned fabric of Fluttershy's dress and a letter

" ive found this outside your highness" said the Crystal guard as Sombra quickly snatch it and grip ocer to the cloth and imediately open the letter

Everything went silent.

The others look at him waiting for him to tell them what is written in the paper but he dint spoke and only a wide eyes expression can tell.

"What is it Sombra?" Ask Celestia as she look down at Sombra

Sombra started growling and crumpling the paper " ill be leaving stay here" he orders with danger within his voice

"No we cant just let you leave alone!" Said Shining armore

"Yeah, and whats in the paper we wanna know!" Said pinky pie with a frown "is it about fluttershy?" She ask sadly

Sombra stop and turn to them " look for yourselves" he said as everyone turned over to the paper and uncrample it

'Dear brother meet me in Everfree...

I have you precious Angel. She is really beautiful a bit far away from what you looked like. I even wonder how he have fallen in love to a monter like you. A killer to be specific like how you prison our mother and Father in the Crystals

A monster.

Come meet me in the old Castle of the Crystal empire...

Then we can settle the score...

C.x '

Celestia look at the letter with a gasp " but... he's dead!" She said as Candes eyes widen

"Sombra what ar-" they turn to Sombra but dint found him anywere.

Looks like when they were busy reading he already make his way through the window

^...^ ^...^ ^...^

Sombra quickly moved his way to the everyfree forest scatering his shadows all over until he spotted the old Castle of the two sisters.

He sigh and lift up his hand and crystals walk into the Entrance of the castle only to be hit by emerging arrows that come through the walls

"Boogy expected" Sombra said as he walk inside

"I thought you will never came" said a voice from the distance as he turn up and saw his brother sitting in Lunas old Chair with a grin

His hair was golden with red lines surrounding it and his Golden eyes and brown toned skin.

Sombfa look at him "what have you done to yourself?" He ask him

"Oh... you know ive meet someone who offer me my life " he said with a grin "and ive decided that i shall seek revenge to the brother who killed me"

"Stop it wonder heart things have change" Sombra said as smoke surrounded him

"Oh but nothing change i almost have the glorry the power and all the money and lands our parents will share to us but everything was ruined because of you!" He said pointing at him then teleport behind Sombra but fell down with a groan

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now