A simple talk wont hurt anything

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Astaroth: *smile* let us proceed

Jeff: * smile widely* well ive been missing for quit awhile so might i tell this part

Sombra: *groan* fine you can tell the other part of the story *wave hands*

Jeff: REALLY~! thank you Sombrero

Sombra: What?!

^....^          ^...^           ^...^

Luna growled as she strike Sombra with her axe and Sombra dodge it and he formed a barrier around him as he cast chains around luna witch she try to dodge it

"It shoudnt be this way Sombra!" She said to him

"Yes, your right. If you dint attack firs!" He said to her as he turn into a shadow to dodge luna's lazer attack  and Shinig armor stab him in the back and kicked him down to thr ground

"Surrender now Sombra!" Shining armor said as he raise his sword onto him

"Dont get in the way Shining Armor!" Sombra said as he kicked him and he dodged luna's axe but it slightly hit his cheeks as he growled

"enough games!" He said raising his hand as he send crystal chains that wrap around luna as she try to struggle and pinned down Shining Armor "dont think this chains can hold me for long!" She said to him

"Well ill give you all the time to escape for now" he look at fluttershy and he walk over to her but was blocked by rainbow dash, twilight , pinkypie, apple jack and rarity

"Dont. Get. In. My. Way" Sombra warned them as

Candes and Celestia appeard beside them "Sombra stop we understand now!" She said to him

"No, you dont understand anything" he said to them

Celestia look at Sombra "we do Sombra let us talk this out" she said in a calm tone

"So that you can bring me back to tartarus and take fluttershy away from me?!" Sombra said in an angerd tone

Candes shook her head "Sombra we arent going to send you back to tartarus or take fluttershy away from you we promise...please... lets talk it out" she said to him

Sombra look at them then look at Fluttershy as she gave him a nodd "alright we will talk but if something bad happens i dont think this will end up good!" He said as They both nodded and he waved his hand for Luna and Shining Armor to be free from their crystal prison

"Thank you... Sombra"Celestia said with a curtsy as they gave way for fluttershy

Sombra sigh as he look at them and he look at Fluttershy as he walk over to her but Fluttershy moved fast and hugged him "thank you Sombra"

Sombra look down at her as he smile and return the hug "for what?" He said

"For not hurting them and accepting Princess Celestia and Candes peaceful invitation " she said with a smile

"I intend not to and i dont want to see my Angel get scared " he said to her with a chuckle as he poke her nose but hissed when fluttershy accidentaly touched his wounded back

"O-oh my im so sorry" she said to him
Celestia look at them and a gently smile form into her lips "lets all get inside so you can patch Sombra" she said as Fluttershy nodded "thank you so much Princess Celestia" she said to her

Rarity look at Candes "why dint you told her that he likes her yet?" She whisperd

Candes sigh "she have to figre it out on her own"she said to her as they helped Luna up

"I dont trust this" she said to them

"We have to try Luna for Fluttershy..." Candes said as they went inside as the Crystal guard just stood up without an action

^...^   ^...^  ^...^

Jeff: mmm what a love story

Astaroth: yeah your right i cant wait for the next champer after this

Sombra: *sigh* this isnt good

Discord: *slap Sombra on the back of the head* will you stop spoiling

Astaroth: i hope you guys wnjoy it thoe ahahah wait for the next champer

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now