Saving Fluttershy

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Sombra:*place hand in the head* i dont like this part

Astaroth: dont worry everythigs going to be fine *smile*

Sunburst: *nodded* yeah beside its in the past and Discord going to get food so we should wait for him

Astaroth: *grin* oh i dont think it will

Sombra: *chuckle* here we go again

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Crystal Empire (Sombras Castle)

Sombra played with fluttershy as she made a flower crown and placed it on Sombras head as he place the flower crown he made for her thoe some of the petal were missing becuz it was the first time he made one

Sombra chuckled as her as he moved the hair "sorry about the flower i know its not the perfect but-" he dint got the chance to finish when she place a hand onto his lips

Fluttershy giggled softly as she shook her head "its perfect sombra" she said when a loud growl was heard from her stomach making Sombra laugh "oh my" fluttershy said as she hid her face using her hair

Sombra chuckled as he placed his hand to removed her hair away from her face that made fluttershy blushed deeply "ill get something for you to eat" he said to her happily

Fluttershy nodded "thank you Sombra" she said to him as she watched him stood up and walk back to the castle when she heard a rustle by the bushes that made her stand up quickly gasp in fear

"Ssshhh dont worry its us fluttershy" Twilight said as she stand up

"Twilight what are you doing here?" Fluttershy ask

Pinkipie jump out of the bushes and ran to her as she hugged her thightly "weve come here to save you and away frlm that meanie!" She said

Fluttershy look at her friends "he isnt a meanie pinkipie" she said shooking her head

Apple jack walk out as she look at fluttersy words and she know fluttershy well when she said the truth and the lie "what do ya mean fluttershy" she said as she look her eyes onto fluttershy

Fluttershy look at them "King Sombra have been very good to me and he saved me from danger" she said to her as Apple Jack gasp and Rainbow dash step in "is it true apple jack" she said as she look at fluttershy and she ran to hugg her thightly

Apple jacl place her hand to her head "ah' dont know wh'at th'a say" she said "what she she say seem so real"

Fluttershy look at them "please believe me if King Sombra is evil why am i free to roam around his castle" she said to him

Twilight look at fluttershy "but we cant be sure this must all be King sombras plan to seperate all of us" she said to her "if Sombra is really kind to you he should have gave you back to us" she said to her

As they talk they dint realize King Sombra stop by the side of the door. hiding and listening

"And most importantly he almost killed luna in her dream magic" she said to her

Fluttershy frowned " he only did that to protect becuz-"

"Becuz what? Listen fluttershy if King Sombra trully care for you he WILL let you go"she said to her

Fluttershy became a bit silent

King Sombra frowned the longer as he listen and even how much fluttershy try to defend him his friends will always have another word to say but most of all. Twilight was right if he trully cared about her he will let her go and be happy with his friends rather than being stucked here upon his castle like an Angel in a prison.

Fluttershy look at her friends "why cant you all just believe me!" She said woth tears "he have change ive seen it!" She said

Apple jack look at Fluttershy "we want to see him" she said

Fluttershy look at them "he is inside to get something to eat for me" she told them

Apple jack nodded " i want to see in his eyes if his telling the truth" she said as she followed Fluttershy

Sombra stood up as he back away to the kitchen " what would he say if he told her. Shes the element of Honesty it would be hard" he mumble when suddenly he saw shining armore and the other guards behind him that made sombra change into anger

"What is this!" Sombra said with a scowl as he look at Shining armor

"Were here to take you down and save fluttershy" he said to him

Sombra stood up straight "you think you and your weak soldiers can take someone like me?" He said to him

Shining armor growled "the light of the crystal empire can never be defeated by you!" He said as he strike his sword

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Fluttwrshy look at Apple jack, pinkie pie, twilight, rainbowdash and rarity when suddenly something exploded from the other side of the castle "what is that!" Rainbow dash said as her wings form frok her back and fly while Rarity wrap her arms around fluttershy

"They must have arrived" she said

Fluttershy made a curious and a worried face " what do you mean?" She ask her

"Shining armore and his troops is here to take down sombra" she said

Fluttershy gasp "sombra!" She said as she pulled away from Rarity and ran away to sombra

"Fluttershy wait!" Twilight said as they followed her

By the distance of were Sombra and the others fight

"SOMBRA!" Fluttershy screamed as she ran to him

Sombra turned and drop the soldier he was about to beat " Fluttershy" he said as he ran towards her and they open arms together for a prepared hug and closer as they get the ground beneath them started to crumble as light started to shine but things got bacl to normal when a thunder hit infront of them that made them back away from each other

"I will not let you take her!" Luna said with as she glare at Sombra as she fly down infront of fluttershy and Twilight held fluttershy pulling her back

Sombra glared and grip his hand "so be it!" He said to her as he charge at her and luna charge at him with her axe

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Astaroth: next will be discord

Discord: im here lets start the story *give everyone the food*

Sombra: oh about that *smile and point at alaster*

Discor: *gasp and turn to Astaroth* im going to kill you! * chased Astaroth outside

Shining Armore: looks like ill be telling the next story *laugh*

Happy new year to everyone and i hope you all like the story :D :D :D

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now