Your soul your kindness

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Celestia : * walk inside with luna* we arrive as soon as we heard *smile*

Luna: we arent late are we?

Apple bloom, sweetie bell and scootaloo: were here!!!!

Apple bloom: im so exited were going to have a new friend

Sweetiebell: and we will welcome him or her in the cutiemark crusaders!!!!! *smile happily*

Sombra: *laugh* now now kids be patient you will meet him or her soon *smile*

Discord: look whos talking * laugh with Astaroth*
^...^ ^...^ ^...^

Celestia watched as she was drawn back to her castle and she watched Fluttershy beside her "princess Celestia" she said in tears

" sssshhh, fluttershy everything going to be alright" she said as she wrap her arms around her protectively

They suddenly heard some footsteps as She turn over to see wonder heart and let out a growl "why did you take us here?!" She said to him

Wonderheart laugh " calm down princess im just asking you a favor" he said happily

Celestia look at him " what is it?" She ask him



Sombra ride onto his horse and leaving a dark smoking and Crystal trail behind them " Faster!" He said as his horse did as what was said and they stop over the edge of the mountain and saw Celestia's Castle close " this is a better place to stop, wait for my orders " he said to the horse as it moved and eat some grasses

He take a silent steps towards the castle and saw some guards patrolling by. But they arent seem to be normal as they used to be. They seemed to be manipulated/ controlled by some kind of power. Sombra shrugged and waited for a guard to get near him

Meanwhile one of the guard decided to take a little waste in the nature as he gets near by the rocks and tress Sombra tackled him and punched him into sleep " this should do" he said as he take the guards more and started to wear them. He growled when he felt a little itch in the back of his armor then he wore his helmet as he walked out of the tress

While he no one seemed to notice him and his height compared to the other guard. He immediately walk inside the castle to find fluttershy

Inside the castle

"I will not accept your request!" Celestia said with a growl

" you dont want to give me and fluttershy your blessing?" he said tl her as Celestia shooked her head and held fluttershy who shiver in fear

"well we will fix that" he said as he grab celestia's wrist and he drag her to a dark and empty room " you will never get away with this!" She said to him

" oh, but i already have" he said as he walk away

He turn to fluttershy "now for you" he said as he walk over to her and everything went dark

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Fluttershy flutter her eyes open as she saw that she was standing with lots of flower petals around her and maids trying to get her fit

" shes awake" said one of the maids as they pick her up to stand making her squeak

" what are you guys d-doing?" She ask as they took her size and started making her a dresses at first Fluttershy was confused but it got into her realization when the fabrics were white and she saw a white crown as they clatter about how beautiful she was but they fear about the new man who praised himself as king as fluttershy started to shiver

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now