Forgotten but still cared for

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Sombra: * walk around the castle*

Shining armore: you seemed calm *smile*

Sombra: just thinking *smile*
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Moving on

Little Sombra look at the young Fluttershy as she cry "are you really leaving Sombra?" she ask him sadly that her friend is leaving.

Sombra smile as he look at her and he tilted his head "don't worry fluttershy we will meet again soon" lie. "im just going to the crystal empire because they saw the potential in me and wanted to teach me more" he said with a smile.

"The Crystal empire b-but that's too far away" Fluttershy said sadly that left an awe on Sombras face as he sigh happily

"Cheer out Fluttershy it may be far but we can still talk" he said to her with a smile

"H-how?" Fluttershy ask him as she sniff

"You can always communicate by messages" he said giving her hope

Fluttershy stop crying and look at him with a smile "y-your right b-but you will a-answer back r-right?" she ask him as Sombra laugh with his small fangs showing "of course I will why would I ignore my best friend" he said as he messed her hair and she giggle

"SOMBRA WERE ARE YOU!" a strangely familiar voice called out yet Sombra fully know who it was.

"whos that?" ask fluttershy

"that must be dad I must go now" he said turning around but fluttershy stopped him

"w-wait before you leave please have this" she said giving him a butterfly necklace

"whats this?" Sombra ask her

Fluttershy giggled "it's a necklace silly" she said pointing at it "always wear this so that you will remember me and if you feel alone always remember that im always here to keep you happy and my necklace will always protect yoh from anything bad" she said happily

Sombra look at him a bit silent. All his life he was treated badly by all the humans around him until his immortality but why her. why is she so kind and caring?

All his thoughts were interrupted when he heard another scream

"im going now!" Sombra said with a smile as he wore the necklace and  started running out of the woods

Fluttershy followed him as he ran "goodbye Sombra! " she said as Sombra smile back to her happily as he waved goodbye as he watched as fluttershy turn small from the view until he no longer see were she is.

when he have finally reached to his destination by the cave a dragon like creature with different parts of animals ascended into the ground.

Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony who once ruled over in a state of unrest and unhappiness. he look down at Sombra with a wide full grin "who is sheee?" Discord said giddily as he moved around little Sombra "i dint told you to ask me question. but to bring me back to my old form" he said to him

"Oh c'mon now i dearly want to know Sombra~" he said with glee as he fly around him "now whatta ya say?" He ask him

Sombra groaned "her name is fluttershy and thats that" he said as he sat down "now get me back so we can end this"

Discord smile "dont you want to stay in your old form?"

Sombra look at him "what are you saying?"

Discord look at him and grin as Sombra blushed and turn away "just. Take me back and one more thing" he said to him

"What is it?" Discord quiestion with glee

"Remove her memory of everything that happend today" he said to her

Discord got confused "but dont you want her to remember you?" He ask

"No and if she did" he sigh "she wont even like it a single bit" he said with a frown

"Alright then" Discord said with a grin as he snap his fingers and turned back Sombra to his old form

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Little fluttershy was thinking about sombra when a weird butterfly gently moved around her and she paused for a moment and blink as the butterfly dissapeard and she opend her eyes "hhhmmm what was i doing here again?" She thought as she heard her mother calls from Rainbow dash as she gasp and started running to her friend

^....^           ^...^         ^...^

Sombra look at his brother as he was slashed but he was able to dodge but his brother growl and stab his by his chest but Sombra thought it was his end but something seemed to block it and his brother notice it too as he stop and remove his sword

Sombra look over to his chest and open his shirt reveal the necklace fluttershy gaved her. It dodged the blade when his brother striked him

Sombra look at his brother and smile "thank you fluttershy!" He screamed as fluttershy turn to him. he then turn into smoke and tackled his brother and started strangelling him

Wonderheart kicked him off as Sombra started him crystals and started pinning him down and he take out his sword with a grin

"This time" he lifted up his sword as his brothers eyes turned wide as he watch the blade lifted up to the ground and he closed his eyes shut waiting for his end but nothing came

Celestia, twilight and the the others came to the sisters old castle as they watched Sombra throw the sword away and stand up as he screamed

"Take a new life!" He said as he crawl up the building and started freeing fluttershy from her imprisonment and the crystals started to free wonderheart

Fluttershy stared at him as she look over to the necklace that seemed strangely familiar to her and back to sombra

Sombra let out a chuckle as he look at her " ill explain later" he said as he put her down and Sombra followed

"W-why dint you killed me?!" Wonderheart ask his brother as he stand up

Celestia walk in "because sombra has a heart to even forgive a brother like you" he said crossing his arms

Candes look over to Sombra and fluttershy. Seing how much he cared for her has brought Candes into a different thought as she smile and walk towards the both of then  " i think... we will have some talk after this maybe a negotiation?"she ask as Sombra flicker his head "sounds nice" he said as a radiant light can be seen as Sombra gasp and pushed Fluttershy and Candes away as a Ligt with red shredds enter his back and sending blood coming out that made everyone gasp

Fluttershy sat up " no no no no no Sombra!" She said as she ran over to him and she lifted him up

Wonderheart grinned "he is weak!" He said as he walk over to Sombra and fluttershy "HEY!" He stop walking and turn around

"Who you calling weak?!" Screamed rainbowdash as she fly fastly and tackled Him and lifting him up with her strenght as Pinky pie and apple jack followed along

Twilight followed behind as she try to cast a cage around wonderheart but he strike back and let out a forcefield that send them all flying off

"Sombr wake up!" Fluttershy said in tears as she hugged him

"Sombra.... please wake up!"

"Wake up"

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Sombra: *smile as he look at the sky and sigh*

Shining armor: are you ready?

Sombra: * turn and smile* i always am *follow shining armor*

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now