The butterfly and the Monster

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apple bloom: *smile* i wish i can find my "the one" someday

rarity : *giggle and pet appleblooms head* love is a special thing darling im sure you will find your "the one" soon


"Will you marry me" the word dance around fulltershy's mind as hot tears started to flow out of her eyes and her smile is growing as the words echoed from her mind. She then wrpa her arms tightly around Sombra. Sombra look at her when he suddenly tackled her into a hug so strong that it made him lose balance making them both fall through the ground "oh Sombra yes yes I do!" she said with tears and a wide smile as she look up at him

Sombra smile widely as she hugged her back tightly with lots of warmth and love "of fluttershy you don't know how much you made a dark king smile" he said with joy as he nuzzled his head to her neck "I love you so much Fluttershy"

"And I love you too Sombra" she said as she touched his cheeks "with all my heart I do" she said as she they both leaned together in a long passionate kiss until their breath was no more. They pulled out after a while and catch their breath. they both stare into their eyes and Fluttershy blushed deeply and she hid her hair through her face making sombre chuckle as he gently brush fluttershy's beautiful flowing pink hair with his fingers "don't hide your beautiful face my love" he said happily as fluttershy blushed more deeply

"l-let's get out of here Sombra" she said to him with a smile as she held his hand

Sombra look at her and sigh as he shooked his head "im sorry my love but we can't. Not yet"

Fluttershy frowned "why not Sombra?"

Sombra look into her beautiful and innocent face and it hurt him to say down his decision but in order to gain peace they must sacrifice "you must continue the wedding fluttershy" he said a she gasp "b-but why?" she said to him in panic as Sombra placed both of his arms to her cheeks "don't worry my love I have a plan" he said to her "fluttershy frowned" what is your plan sombre?" she ask

Sombra shooked her head I cannot tell you but for now thrust me and be careful fluttersy" he said to her as a tear slide down to her eyes a she nodded "please be safe Sombra" she said to him

Sombra look at her and he leaned his head over to hers "Fluttershy because of you I have crawl myself back to life, learn what it is to love and to care, learn how to lead in the righteous ways, fluttershy you have thought me everything that you don't even know about" he said with a smile "now im gonna tell you this fluttershy. Be careful out there and whatever happens I want you to be strong, I want you to be alright and most of all I want you to live. Fluttershy you have so much to live for in this world with lots of friends a family and there are people who will take good care of you " he said as fluttershy's starting to feel that something was wrong in his words that made her hug him tightly

"Sombra don't say anything like that!" she said in tears as she started to shiver. She hugged sombre so tightly in fear that if she let go of him he will turn into bubbles and pop any moment. Sombra only chuckle and he hugged her back as he pet her head "all im just saying is that whatever happens out there I fight for a cost. I fight because for once in my life I know it's right... "he take a deep breath "I fight because I know I love you..."

^...^ ^...^ ^...^

Twilight, luna and the others sneak into the halls of the castle when suddenly a maid caught them and gasp as she ran over to them "princess Celestia, princess twilight! " she said in fear as she hugged them. Twilight was surprised that the maids weren't possessed to his powers as she place her hand to the maids shoulder "what happen do you know where is princess Celestia and fluttershy is?" she ask in worry as the maid nodded "yes but it is hard to get there since there are guards surrounding the place"

Luna frowned "then how can we go there?"

The maid look at them and got an idea "oh I think I might have an idea on how you guys can go there" she said as Pinky pie smile widely as she jump in front of her "OOO AREWEGONNADRESSLIKEMAIDSANDGOTHERETOMEETPRINCESSCELESTIAANDFLUTTERSHYSOTHATTHEGUARDSWONTCATCHUSSANDLOCKUSAWAY!!!" she said as she take a large gulp of breath and fell down the ground panting for air

"" Rarity said as she fainted beside apple jack and rainbow dash as they catch her

The maid nodded "well, we don't have much of a choice" she said with a smile as she started walking "follow me princess Celestia, princess luna and the elements of harmony"

-----After getting dress----

Rarity was groaning in disbelief as her dress was turn into a horrible maid dress "can we finish this so that I can get back into my beautiful dress!" she pouted as rainbow dash laugh "oh don't worry princess you can wear you dress back once this is all over" she said as twilight shush them "sssshhhhh!!!! We might get caught by the guards if you make so much noise" she said as they followed the maid

Celestia was sitting onto her room when she turn to the door that was being unlock and suddenly twilight and luna come running right in and hug her tightly "princess Celestia!" "Sister! "they said as they hugged her tightly

"How did you get here?" she ask confusedly

"Sombra Got us here " said Luna as Twilight nodded "but we arent gonna get out yet " she added 

Celestia was confused as she look at them "what? but why?" she ask 

"we have a plan" Twilight said with trust and might 

Celestia look at them and smile trusting their word "alright tell me what plan this is and ill do what  i can. and for the safety of our people......"


Scottaloo: * growled* why did we stop there?! 

Astaroth :* pout* yeah?! 

Sombra : because i like torturing you guys and wait *evil laughter*

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now