Fluttershy's Dream

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sweetbell: yey i cant wait to hear what happen princess luna *scootaloo and applebloom nodded* 

Luna: *hugs deadpool* now from this story me and Deadpool will be going on an rp 

Deadpool: yeah! so luna will stay as luna and i will act like fluttershy *smile*

Astaroth: and ill be on the back stage *sigh and wave hands*  

Deadpool: *wear a fluttershy wig and give a thumbs up * im ready!

Sombra: her guys i just finish checking up....on.... *stare at Deadpool*

luna, Astaroth, scootaloo , applebloom and sweetbell :*silence*

Deadpool: am i pretty~~

luna: ummm ill start the story *sheepish smile *

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Flutershy woke up in a beautiful field with lots of flowers, tress and animals. she giggled when little critters moved around her and she enjoy petting them and little butterfly's started flying around her when suddenly the sky started to turn dark and the animals started to flee as the rain started to pour from the sky "w-whats happening?" fluttershy thought as she stood up and the tress started to die along with the flowers

behind the falling tress she found Sombra sitting in the middle of the pond "Sombra?" she ask as she walk her way to him and as she gets closer the wind started to grow stronger "Sombra!" she scream again when she reached close to him she reached her hand to his shoulder but before he touched him he suddenly disappear and the wind grow strong around her with whispers of a familiar voices of her friends saying "there is no use you will never save him!" . "hes a tyrants and nothing can change him!". "he is better of back in tartarus!". "fluttershy! fluttershy! fluttershy!" said as the voices circle around her and she shiver in fear. she place her hands to her ears and screamed "stop! he isn't that bad he is good! he can be good!" she said as the voice laugh

suddenly a light emerges from the darkness "THOU SHALL NOT FEAR FLUTTERSHY FOR ALL THIS IS JUST A DREAM!" she said as Luna appeared and her wings open wide from the sky and the storms, the laughter everything disappear and back into a peaceful forest with live tress and animals  

Fluttershy ran fast to Luna and hugged her tightly "do not fear fluttershy im here now and were going to save you"luna said as she hug her back tightly 

Fluttershy look at luna "save me? but why?"

luna look at fluttershy a bit shock to what she said "fluttershy have you forgotten King Sombra kidnap you" she said starting to think that fluttershy might have been trap into a spell "were are you now fluttershy did he do something bad to you?"

Fluttershy shook her head "no princess luna King Sombra is a good person he never hurt me" she said to her with a frown 

luna shook her head "fluttershy have you forgotten King Sombra is a tyrant he kills for blood, he put the crystal people into slavery and torture! this must be some kind of dream barrier for me to be fooled by kind sombra into seeing the real things that is happening" she said

from the distance a familiar green smokey red eyes look at fluttershy and Luna 

Fluttershy shook her head "but prince-and who said you can judge princess Luna?" Said another voice from the distance as the dark smoke circle around the both of them as King Sombra's take a step close to them and moved beside fluttershy 

Luna look at King Sombra "i know your prepared that i will come to see fluttershy!" she said as her hand glowed 

King Sombra look at luna "you dont have to see her, she's happy staying with me and ill give her anything she want" he said as he look at fluttershy with his eyes make a spark that fluttershy notice and became aware of what it is. he then turns back to luna "and if i were you id keep it that way"

Luna gasp "you Monster! keeping an innocent girl to your lair is a sin that must be punished"

"And taking someone away from the once they cared for is a punishment!" he growled at her and his hand glowed "id say you leave now princess" 

Luna's hand sparkle "not without fluttershy! she said as she strike at him"

King Sombra spawned Dark Crystal barrier and strike her back 

Fluttershy gasp as she watch them fight "STOP!" she said as she start to wake up and their surroundings started to light up indicating that she is about to wake up but before that Sombra leaved a message to luna 

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The sisters's castle 

luna woke up sweatingly with wide eyes as she look around and saw Celestia and the others look at her worriedly 

"how was it sister?" Celestia ask her

luna stand up "it was worst than ive thought Tia... King Sombra have brainwashed fluttershy" she said as everyone gasp

"that good for nothing king!" said rainbowdash as rarity fainted but gladly apple jack picked her up and pinky pie's hair gone flat

Twilight growled "we must save fluttershy now!" she said griping her hands

Candes cough and walk inside the room and look at Twilight "if that was easy" she said to her "King Sombra have gone strong as time goes by "

twilight shook her head "no there is always a plan for this and we can sneak inside his castle and get fluttershy" she said as she look at them "it has to work"

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King Sombra's Castle  

Fluttershy woke up gasping as King Sombra ran by to his room and look at fluttershy with a worried face "fluttershy" he said as he walk over to her but flutershy shivered at him and scooted back. 

Fluttershy look at him " why did you strike princess luna"  

Sombra look at her and frowned "im sorry fluttershy i dint mean it... i....i was...." Sombra dint want to mean it but "... scared" he said griping his hands with guild 

Fluttershy look at him and frowned when he saw his action. she softly take a deep breath and moved a little bit close to him "scared of what?" she said as she look at him 

Sombra look deeply into her eyes "i was... scared of loosing you fluttershy, you were the only one who have showed me kindness and all the things that ive never thought i could have " he said as he held her hands gently and she look down "i... it was something that felt really good inside and i dont...i dont..." he stop when Fluttershy placed her hand to his cheeks as she turn up to her 

Fluttershy look at him "its Alright King Sombra" she said as he held his hand back "i wont leave you i promise" she said as she gave him a smile that brought his heart a beat and suddenly he hugged her tightly "thank you fluttershy!" he said happily at first fluttershy was shock but suddenly she felt her heart beat up with joy as she hugged him back "thank you too Sombra"

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king Sombra: *smile* it was the first time i felt free to speak to her like that

Dead pool : awww *wipe tears* thats so sweet

twilight : wow ive never thought thats how you felt about her 

luna : *nodded* yeah im sorry about that Sombra 

King Sombra : *sigh* dont worry everything works out in the end *smile*

Astharoth: *GASP * wait for the next chapter everyone *smile*

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now