you could have been better

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Fluttershy: *look at somebra* remember that time you-

Sombra: *blushed* please dont mention that again its... its embarrassing

Fluttershy: * giggle and hugged Sombra* dont worry it would be just for the both of us

Discord: *Jump between them* or is it!

               ^...^        ^...^         ^...^

Fluttershy look at heart as she face to the ground 

"look over here beauty for when this is over we will both rule this world together" he said with great pride as Fluttershy look at him in tears and shook her head 

"i-i dont want to be with you" she whisper in tears move down to her face but it was impossible to see under her vail 

"do not justify what i want beauty... my brother has no longer ahold of your heart"he said as the priest started talking 

"i dont want to be with you" she said again as Heart groan and he held fluttershy's hand squeezing it and making her whimper "i-i w-wanna be with s-sombra" she said 

"sadly no " he said 

Celestia was looking at them. realizing what he was doing to fluttershy she wished to help them but she coudnt. its dangerous if she even try and would cause a problem if she try to break that plan

Celestia started talking and everyone stood up and listen to her words. once she reacted the i do heart look at Fluttershy as Fluttershy tensed up in fear but before Celestia can speak pinky pie screamed in the top of the roof witch cause everyone to look "i cant hold it no longer!" she said as the party cannon exploded. Sombra heard her shout as his eyes widen 

"Fluttershy!" he said as he turn into a shadow and ran inside the church. picking Flyttershy up her feet as Celetia created a barrier that they hid as the magic hit Hear's side making shout in an agonizing pain "you fools!" he screamed in pain with his right shoulder and arms were burn and bleeding 

everyone inside the church started screaming  as twilight and Starlight cast their magic.teleporting them all outside into safety as they place a protective barrier over themselves as they try to charge Heart but heart blocked their ability and he cast his shock wave sending them all back as  luna jump down and tried to tackle down Heart which he dodged and he kick luna across the wall 

"you!" he then pointed at Sombra and fluttershy "why do you both keep on destroying my plans!" he said  

"because its not right and you know it!" Sombra growled at him

"arent your ways worst too?" he questioned him as Sombra huffed "but i change for what is right!" he said as he look at Fluttershy "i change for a purpose" he said softly as Fluttershy blushed

"oh will you stop!" he said as purple darkness started emitting from his hand " your blind brother... lets take that eyes out of your face shall we" he growled as Sombra faced him then fluttershy appeared with apple jack , rarity, twilight,  and pinkiepie while Twiling and Starlight appeared arround him and ready to attack

Sombra stop them "dont, this is me and my brother's fight that i must face"

"stupid, you know you died from me. why do you think you can fight me this time?" he said to him with a grin 

"because i have the power of friendship." he look at everyone as they graved him heart warming smile and he turn to fluttershy then to his brother "and love" he said as his brother growled and charge him. when he was about to his him Sombra turn into a shadow's of smoke making Heart hit the wind and fell down the floor as Sombra kicked him and tackle him down the ground 

"no fair, no powers!" Heart growled as Sombra smirk "then no power it is" he said as he pick up his brother and slammed him in the ground as heart sat up and tackled him brother as Fluttershy gasp when heart punched him. Sombra grab hiss brother's wrist and he started twisting it as Heart growled and remove his hand quickly, there Sombra got the opportunity to kick him as he step on his brother's leg that left a crack sound witch made everyone eyes widen

Heart screamed when Sombra broke his leg as he stand up with his unbroken leg as he jump over to sombra and has the opportunity to punch Sombra hard in the stomach making Sombra fell down and cough as Sombra grab his foot and falling him down to the ground and Sombra punched him in the head over in over as him mind became dark with he the thought of his brother's wrong doing to him when he suddenly stop when he heard a voice 

Fluttershy was hugging his back "please stop its done" she said in tear as Sombra look at him and he saw his hand with the blood of his brother as Sombra look at fluttershy "im sorry " he said as Fluttershy hugged him tightly 

"its alright lets go home" she said as Sombra smile and nodded as he wiped her tears "lets" he said as they started walking

heart look at them as they started walking. he then take out a dagger but before he can throw it to them Sombra shot him a blade across his head "you could have been better" sombra said while his other hand was covering fluttershy's eyes as Sombra hugged her and her brother fell down lifeless in the floor

"lets go" Sombra whispers to her as Fluttershy nodded and walked out 

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A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now