Happy Ever After

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sweetiebell ran around fluttershy " so what happen next after that fluttershy?" sweetie bell said exitedly

Fluttershy giggle as she look at sweetie bell and look over to the mirror to see her wedding down. it was a beautiful while gown made by rarity and shows to make her look like a real princess. Fluttershy almost jump out and tell rarity jusy to give her something simple but rarity insisted since she's going to marry a hero and a king

" if you want to know sweetiebell your alrwadh in the story" Fluttershy said with a kid smile as Sweetiebells mouth became wide open " y-you mean!"

fluttershy nodded with a giggle " oh my goodness ì gotta tell this to schootaloo and aoplebloom! " she said running out

Twilight knock into the door and open it with a smile " fluttershy get ready its already starting" she said as Rarity, apple jack, pinkypie, rainbowdash and sunsetshimer walked in to help fluttershy

" oh fluttershy you look absolutely wonderful in that dress ive bet when Sombra see's you he' be absolutely stunned!" she said with a giggle

Rainbow dash nodded " and just remember fluttershy if he try to hurt you ill beat him into piACh!" she waw stop when apple jack hit him

" whay was that for?" she said as Applejack sigh " will ya stop those threaths Raibowdash you clearly see how Sombra loves fluttershy too much"she said as Raibowdash smile " aye im just joking"

"ANDAFTERFLUTTERSHYANDSOMBRAGETMARRIEDTHEYWILLGETABABYNDTHERE'SGONNABEANOTHERPARTY!!!" Pinkypie said as she jump in the air giddly as everyone giggle and laugh as they walk down Celestia's castle to the church


"do i look nice?" Sombra ask as he fix his tie and Shining armore chuckle " dont worry sombra you look fine " he said as Sombra nodded nerviously

" dont worry Sombra i felt the same thing like you do when im going to get married by Candes" he said happily

" so... what did you do?" Sombra ask him

Shining armore chuckle " well all ive think whas that its alright to be nervious because im going to be married by the most beautiful woman and what ever happen ill protect her at all cost "

he said as Sombra smile " thanks" he said as Shining armor nodded and thw music started playing and everyone in the room started standing up and Celestia and Luna along with Candes stood up infront and Twilight catch up with them with a sheepish smile

" four Princess will be guiding the ceremony?" one of the pony said in surprise

" this will be the first in history!"anotherone said as they smile in amazement

as the flower girls started walking along with the brides' made and grooms made along with spike who held the rings and two cute pony's holding the sign saying " here comes the bride and the door open

Sombra almost explode with hearts when he saw fluttershy who looks like a goddess but ehat made him shiver was her father beside her that gaved sombra a look that if he try to hurt Fluttershy he will take him to tartarus for a brawl. once Fluttershy moved beside him Sombra take fluttershy's hand

" you look absolutely stunning and beautiful as always fluttershy" he said as Fluttershy giggled " thank you so much Sombra and you look so handsome" she said as Fluttershy blushed deeply as she held onto Sombra's arms

Luna walk beside her sister as she shouted " today we are witnessing the marriage of King Sombra and Fluttershy" she said as Celestia smile

" their love teached us that what ever happen even tough how bad things can happen over the days there will always be good and what ever happens nothing can stop as long as their is love"

Candes smile at them and nodded " and as long as There is love nothing is impossible"

"now oet us ask them for their vows" Twilight said happily as Fluttershy and sombra turn face to face with each other

" fluttershy," he said as he look into her beautiful eyes as he smile at her in return " i... thank you so much because of you. i woudnt be like this. the sombra everyone know as the tyrant king is no more but now a loving, king. you were the reason why i fight. why i stood up. because of you nothing matters in this world just to keep you happy" he said with a smile " fluttershy i ask you for this marriage but not because your beaituful" he said as everyone giggled and ooo around as Sombra blushed and chuclled " but because you are the reason of my existens and i want nothing in this world than just to be with you now and forever and even death can never tear us apart. you are my life fluttershy you will always be here in my heart" he said as Fluttershy wipes the tear over to her vale as she look at Sombra happily

" Sombra i have to be honest the first time we meet i was afraid of you" she said as Sombra understand and nodded " but you showed me that i have nothing to fear of and you will always bethere to protect me from my nightmares and fears. you showed me things that i woudnt expect from you and what ever happens within our journey you never let go you even come back from the dead just for me " she said as she sniff and wiped her tears " Sombra i love you so much and i want to be with you forever and follow you on your journey and together we will work togeter wether it will be in sickness or in health" she said as Sombra smile warmly at her as they hold hands

Celestia stand up proudly as she look at them " Sombra do you accept Fluttershy as your wife" she said

Sombra place his hans on flutrershy cheeks happily " i do"

Celestia nodded as she look at Fluttershy " flyttershy do you accept Sombra as your husband" she said and fluttershy nodded " i do"

Candes step in " everyone cheer for the newly weds. King Sombra you may now kiss the bride" she said as Celestia, Luna, Candes and Twilight stood up straight and stretch their wings in the air as Discord appear ontop and snap his fingers as Rose petals started to appear all over in a beuful explosion as everyone was awed and started clapping

Sombra look at Fluttershy as Fluttershy giggle " may i?" he ask as Fluttershy giggle more with a deep blush " you may" she said as Sombra take off her vail as he can now clearly see Flutershy's face as sombra blushed

" KISS HER NOW SON!" a familiar voice called as Sombra turb his head and saw his mother and Father now free from his crystal prison

" WERE SO PROUD OF YOU SON" the Queen said as the king held her by the waste when suddenly twilight sppeared infron of them asking too many question about their history as Everyone laugh

Sombra laugh along as Fluttershy suddely grab him by the both of his cheeks and kissed him as Sombra became red with his eyes widen as everyone roared in cheers and aplause as Fluttershy broke the kiss and blushed more deeply

" i never knew you had it in you fluttershy" she cooed as he hugged her

" y-you w-were t-taking t-too l-long" she said with a blush

" it was inresting truelly" he said as he kissed her again and everyone applaud and Sombra held her hand " lets go" he said exitedly as he grab fluttershy up to her feet and carried her outside were everyone trow flowers and rice in the air and once they reached their carriage fluttershy kissed sombra in the cheeks as she throw the flower

every girls ran for it but suddenly Rarity jumo high for it "MINE!" she said as she hugged the flowerd and she turn her head and saw Prince blueblood who gaved her a charming look but Rarity dint gave in instead she throw the flower again " ugh! never mind!" she said as the flower landed on Twilight and her direction cough in the mountains " hmmm strange" she said

Sombra held Fluttershy's arms and take her inside the carriage and Sombra followed behind and Sombra hugged her tightly as everyone cheered as the Carriage started moving to their new home


In the mountains there was a white figure that walk out of the cave that he called home as he directed his gazed in Chanterlot and suddenly feeling a strange aura by the distance. he shooked off the strange feeling as he stretched his Leather wings and walk inside into the darkness once more

the end...

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now