Within Sombra's Heart

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Discord: *pissed*

Sombra: *laugh* oh come on Discord you were buzy you dint hear the first part

Discord: *still pisses* you know i was glad i was send a message saying you were all going to tell this story but i have never known that i have arrived very late

Astaroth: oh come on Discord we will tell you soon but now we have to finish this first *smile*

Discord: fine

Sombra: alright lets continue the story now shall we * smile*

^...^      ^...^      ^...^

Sombra look at fluttershy carefully as she sleep onto him with her hear leaning onto his chest and his arms protectively wrap around her. He remember the moment when he arived in her dream. If he havent arive there luna would have taken her away from him and he woudnt let that happen. Not now that he have felt such happiness for such a long time in his chaotic life. He look back down at fluttershy and to be honest she does have lots of time to escape yet she choose not to. but why. He sigh and put the thoughts aside and he layed himself down the bed as he started to fall asleep

The next day

King Sombra woke up and found Fluttershy and the fox, tiger and manticore missing and it gave him a great fright "were did they go?" He said as he rubbed his eyes and stood out of his bed and ran while almost puching a dark crystal guard on the side and fear started to devour inside him "she promised" he said to himself as he ran

But all worries was put away when he heard a sweet familiar laughter and he turn to the garden ans there he found her playing with them

Sombra swallowed the lump in his throat and smile

Fluttershy played with the fox as she turn her head up and saw Sombra Staring and she waved at him

Sombra tried to hide but instead he try to act cool and waved in return

"Would you like to join us King Sombra?" She ask him

King Sombra Shook his head "no i have some other things to do" he said to her

Fluttershy frowned "i-its not a bad thing right?" She ask him

King Sombra shook his head "oh no my dear fluttershy i am just going to fix somwthing in the castle" he try to thing of an excuse and he saw the dream flowers and tress around her as it gaved him an idea "like those flowers and tress around you

He said as he lifted his hand to the air and a dark aura surrounded him but he have to fix it. He try to focus and the aira around his hand turn into light ' i command thou earth to form new life from the dead roots of the crystal garden' he spoke within a different language and around fluttershy the flowers and trees started to grow and bring back to their former beauty as they flowers started to grow within the ground making the wolf jump and bit onto the other flowers

"I still got it" Sombra said proud of himself as the light in his hand turn into darkness

Fluttershy look at the flowers  "this is beautiful Sombra!" She said as she place her hand through the flowers and she happily sniff them with a giggle

Sombfa smile "im glad you liked them fluttershy" he said to her aa he watched her look at the flowers

"Element of kindness" Sombfa sang as he back away from the window

"How could you ever bring my icy heart to beat" he said as he walk to the hallway of his castle and started to remember his past

"Ive never know such a shy maiden can bring my heart dance around and sing "

He then look around himself "did angel cupid hit me with an arrow?" He laugh

"I just hope that one day id able to say"  he went down to the garden and look at fluttershy as he waved at her

"I love... you~"  he whisperd his words like the wind as he walk towards her and play with the fox as he place a flower in her hair and the wolf jumped on the both of them as they laugh

But far away from his sight he not even fluttershy and the other notice that there were someone or some many staring at them

^...^     ^...^     ^...^

Discord: awwww Sombrero is in love~

Deadpool: *nodd* im so proud of our little baby

Sombra: who you calling baby! *growl* anyways

Astaroth: wait for the next Chanper and its my turn to tell the story * laugh* woohooo!

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now