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Sombra: well who's next?

Celestia: *smile and jump behind Discord and Sombra* me!

Discord: AAAAHHHH!!!! *throw the popcorn that landed in celestia's head* oopps *grin*

Astaroth: *laugh* Karma hits fast *laugh more*

^...^     ^...^    ^...^

"Awe!" Sombra said as he hissed when Fluttershy gently place the alcohole in his back.

"I-im sorry sombfa b-but a little more rubb and it will be over soon" Fluttershy said as she gave his back a gentle kiss that he do to her wounded animals when they growl and hussle while treating their pain. But for Sombra her kiss made him felt a thousand arrows of cupid hit him in the heard and made all his blood rise up his face

"J-just make it fast Fluttershy" he said to her as she giggled with a nodd "i will sombra" she said to him

Sombra hate alcohole very much even when he was just a child. He would have used his healing spell but he wanted to fluttershy to get closw to him. He bit hus arms to ease the pain but it was easily have been a regret when he wounded his arm with his fangs

"O-oh my Sombra are you okey your arms!" Fluttershy said in worry as she patched his back and she moved over to his arms and she gently touched it "oh my why did you bite your finger?" She said worriedly at him

Sombra look at her and on the way she cared about him made his heart feel so special with joy that he reaches his arms to her cheeks but the fox behind them think it was a simple move so the fox jump and push sombra making them both falling down the bed with sombra ontop of her

"O-oh my" sombra look at him with a deep blush as her heart beat so fast on the position their into

Sombra glare at the fox. But it simple moved its tail with a call of ' you can thank me later' as it moved out

Sombra sigh 'its now or never' he thought as he swallow the lump in his throat and take a deep breath with fluttershy curiously waiting "i wanna tell you something fluttershy" he said calmly with a voice with sweetness that made Flutershy blush

"W-what is it Sombra?" Fluttershy ask softly as sombra held her hand gently while squeezing it softly

But before Sombra can reply there was a knock in the door and Celestia walked in as she turn to them with a smile "did i bother something?" She ask them

Fluttershy blushed and shook her head as Sombra groan placing his hand down "n-no you arent princess Celestia please come in" she said as she scoot out of the bed and Sombra sat down with great annoyance 'grat timing tia' he though

"Thank you" Celestia said as she sat down on a nearby seat and look at fluttershy

"Can you give us some privacy please" she said with a smile

Fluttershy nodded "yes princess Celestia" she said as she walk by the door and rainbowdash saw her and she zoomed over

"Fluttershy. I-im sorry" she said with a frown

Fluttershy look at him and smile " its alright Rainbow dash you guys were only trying to help" she said

Rainbow dash nodded sheepishly as she scratched her head and smile "yeah, well lets go were twilight and the others are Fluttershy" she said grabing her by the shoulder and pointing at her " you have lots and lots to tell us about this"

Fluttershy laugh softly " i sure do" she said with a giggle she said as they started to walk away

^...^         ^...^        ^...^

Back to sombra's room

Sombra glared at Celestia while Celestia remained Calmly

"How's your back?" She ask him

My back has never been better Celestia now what do you want?" He said with a harsh tone

"Im sorry about Luna you know how much she want protect her friends " she said to him

"I dont care about her. She and all of them are but the same! Easy to judge and Easy to defeat" he said while he sat down

Celestia frowned " its nothing like that Sombra they are just worried about her. Through your years you have been an evil tyrand Sombra what else would anyone think of you? And it will be very hard for them to ever think you Change" she said to him

" i dont want them to think of me that i change and most of all i dont want anyone knowing what i really am! A Demon" he said to her

"Dont say that Sombra you arent a demon!" She said to him as she stand up

"Oh yeah! then who is the first person whove i thought would be a big sister to me but ended up calling me a monster!" He growled at her

Celestia close her mouth for a bit and frown "it was an accident" she said almost silently

"Accident or not that was the last straw. You and all of you created a monster now get out!" He growled at her

"Sombra im sorry from those years ple-Out before i crush you with crystal blades!" He treatend her and Celestia stood up

And slowly walk by the door as the door slam infront of her as she came out

"Whats wrong princess Celestia?" Fluttershy ask with worry. She was going to call the fox, wolf and the Manticore by the room next to them when she notice the door shut infront of fluttershy

Celestia look at her and frown as she look by the door "... i guest its time that you know a bit more about Sombra..."

^...^           ^...^         ^...^

Celestia: *smile* ill tell the next chapter

Sombra: hmm next time if your going to tell something to her tell me first

Discord: *chuckle* why? Are you afraid celestia might tell more?

Sombr: *shook head* no fluttersy might be much more open next time

Celestia: *giggles* like that time when he cought you playing with the little critters and eating food with them

Sombra: * jump* i d-ont remember such! Wait in for the next chapter *cross arms and control blush of embarrasment*

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now