A day with kindness (part 2)

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Deadpool: now i know what your thinking. deadpool, isn't the tittle suppose to be fluttershy's dream? NO! *shook's head and wave hands* if we did that we might miss this romantic moment of the story *wink* now-

Astaroth: uuuhhhh.... who are you talking too?

deadpool: *point at you* the reader Astaroth dont be crazy that you dont see them?

Astaroth: your literary pointing at the air Deadpool you've been doing that since the whoe fail experiment happend

Deadpool: thats not true i-

Starlight and twilight sparkle: will you both quit it and start the story

Sombra: hey its my turn to say the story

deadpool: oh fine...

Astaroth: *watch deadpool sit and looks at you* thank you very much reader's

deadpool: hey, i heard that!

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fluttershy started tending the wounds of her animals and gently placing the cotton in the alcohol the wolf growled softly when the sting stick to his wounded skin while the manticore played with the fox with a new patched cloth on its wounds

"im sorry mister wolf but please take it for awhile your wound is still healing but i promise you when your wound is all close i wont put anymore alcohole" she said

the wolf gave a soft growl and a nodd as it let her clean his wound as she started patching them up. when she was done the wolf ran to the fox and manticore to play along with them

Sombra was staring at her but blink when he notice she was walking towards him. he look around his surrounding and quickly grab onto a room he saw on the floor and pretend to be reading it

fluttershy look at him but then stop "a-are you alright king sombra?"

Sombra look at her curiously as he chuckled making his fangs across his lips "yes i am is there something wrong?" he ask

Fluttershy giggled "oh its just that your reading the book upside down" she said pointing at the book which made sombra blush and smack his hand to his head 'oh you stupid kind' he said "i-i know that" he said defensively and he turn his book "why is it the you've come to me?" he ask but stop then placed the book on his face 'whats wrong with me today!' he grumble

Fluttershy blushed "o-oh im here to check your wound if that alright with you"

Sombra nodded "alright go ahead and check it over" he said as he put the book down and he watch fluttershy. as she place her hands to his chest she felt her soft hands that made her chest beat fastly 'beating?!' he thought . The same goes with fluttershy as she blushed deeply as she gently touched his well chest 'oh flutershy what wrong with you today' she said as she grab on the alcohol

'Sombra she's just checking your wound stop it' he thought to himself as he closed his eyes but all feeling went aside when he felt a great sting on his chest that made him jump "ah! what in tartarus!" he said as he place his hand to his chest and found fluttershy shivering as she notice herself that she put all the alcohol in the cotton "o-oh no im s-so sorry Sombra i dont mean too im sorry" she said as her tears starting to go down her eyes. she dont notice the Cotton was already full of alcohol because she was distracted to her thoughts "please dont hate me!" she said as she ran out sobbing to the room

Sombra sat there for a bit yet why does he feel so bad of himself. he look at the door for a moment before "fluttershy wait!" he said as he followed her outside to the old garden of candence yet since now he have taken power of it all the roses and flowers along with the tress are dead. he found her crying surrounded by the dead flower's. frowning he walk over to her

Fluttershy look up at Sombra and she shivered. Sombra look at her from her action then it come to him, he was called an evil tyrant after all. he moved down to the dead leaves and he look at her then a thought came to his mind as he smirk "since you have hurt me i shall come to a decision to punish you" he said as he look at her

Fluttershy Shivered with wide eyes "w-what?!" she said in fear

Sombra laugh "yes and that the punishment is tickles" he said as he tackle her and tickle her all over "ahahahhaha S-Sombra stop!" she said as she try to wiggle and laugh hardly as he tickle her "im not going to stop until you fell better" he said with a laugh as he continue to tickle her. fluttershy moved and wrap her arms around him "im okey now Sombra" she said as she laugh and Sombra stop tickling her and smile as he patter her head gently and once again smell her sweet cherry scent "im glad you are you kinda gave me a worry there" he said but stop 'what did i just said?' he thought but he then look at fluttershy smiling "thank you Sombra" she said to him

Sombra chuckle "now lets get back inside shall we" he said to her but he stop when he notice her sleeping 'hmmm still tired maybe' he thought as he pick her up and went back inside the throne room and he gently tuck her in his bed. he placed his hand to his cheeks and look at her for a moment. his heart beat fast once again as he place his hand and move her hair out of her beautiful face 'she looks so peaceful' he thought as he stared at her for a moment. he leaned to give her a kiss in the head 'oh fluttershy what have you done to me' he said while his hand brush against her hair and he turn to see the fox staring at him

"what are you staring at?" he said to the fox

the fox place its paws around him and moved sweetly as sombra blush "i do not-" he stop as he look at fluttershy then he stood up and he walk to the fox "i do not like her okey" he said as he stood up the fox look up at him and shook its head with the words of "then why are you whispering" as it jump up the bed and layed beside fluttershy and the wolf ran inside and sleep down the ground leaving Sombra blushing

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Sombra : *smile* i try to go to the throne room to put all my thoughts away but whenever i think of something else she... she always comes into my mind *chuckles*

Deadpool: aaaawwww isnt that so sweet

pinky pie: *leaned on deadpool's shoulder and giggle* yeah its so sweet! she said with a giggle

Astaroth: now can i have my turn? *smile*

*luna walk inside*

luna: no *smile* this is were its my turn to say the story

Astaroth: who called you here?

lunna: * giggled * twilight did *smile*

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