there is kindness withing evil

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Astarot: its chapter 4 and yea. Were is everyone applebloom

Applebloom: well I was here to take u with us you know fluttershy is pregnant and she is giving birth right now.

Astarot: oh really. Ok let's go and while were walking I'm gonna tell the story, how's that.

Apple bloom: great, and I'll be the one to tell them chapter 4 (cheer)

       ^,.....,^   ^,.....,^  ^,.....,^

When King Sombra woke up he looks around "how did I get here." He thought then he look at Fluttershy with wide eyes she was hugging him her head is beside his neck and her body against his body he blushes so hard and smiles sheepishly at forgetting what happened yesterday.

Despite the awkwardness, he didn't notice that there was something watching them.

He moves slowly to not wake up Fluttershy when he hard a movement and a growl he looks at his surroundings and to the wolves and fox but they are sleeping.

From what might have caused the noise he sure it doesn't like their presence he needs to wake everyone up so they can leave "Fluttershy!" She woke up immediately

"King Sombra what wrong." Then a loud roar comes out Fluttershy became so terrified and started to get the fox and the wolf while king Sombra took defense.

He look slowly look at the dark cave when a manticore started to run into him he didn't have the time to dodge so he flew to the ground with a loud thud. The manticore struck him again sending him flying and crashing on a big rock.

"KING SOMBRA!" Scream Fluttershy with fear and worry but king dint answer his vision was starting to blur and all he could hear is Fluttershy words.

Fluttershy became mad of the manticore and use her stare "bad manticore! don't you know what you have done to him? he may be bad but he has a good intention now look what you did you should be sorry right now mister!" the manticore whimpered started to flee but Fluttershy blink and gasp at herself. she looks at the manticore running "stop!" she said to him

the manticore stops fastly and turns with a shake "oh my I'm so sorry I shouted at you mister manticore" she said as she ran to him and gave it a hug. she look at Sombra and look back to the manticore "please help me carry him back to his castle" she said pleadingly as the manticore look at her and nodded as it walks over to Sombra. the manticore picks up Sombra to its back as it also carried her friends and her as it started walking out of the cave.

When they arrive at the castle she was stopped by some dark crystal guard but soon let them in when they saw king Sombra inside the castle she remove king Sombra's cloth and start to cover his wounds.

She then places the animals beside king Sombra since the bed is king size. As she cleans the brushes of she reach his face to clean it as she cleans it she starting to turn red "o-oh Fluttershy" she said to herself she looks at him again he looks so peaceful then she looks at his lips she blushes harder "Fluttershy snap it out." She told herself as she closes her eyes.

She then stood up and prepare some food to them when they woke up.

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Astarot: ok were her and that's the end of chapter 4

Applebloom :aww really, ok

Astarot: ok apple bloom don't be that sad remember you're gonna share the story to everyone.

Apllebloom: yea (smile wide)

Astarot: now let's get inside

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now