hint for Book 2 or Comic 2

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in the last part of Happy Ever After 

In the mountains there was a white figure walking out of the dark cave he called home.  his eyes fixed in Chanterlot and suddenly felt a strange aura in the distance, he shakes off the strange feeling and stretched his Leather wings, mumbling something as he walks inside the darkness once more.

i introduce you! Nightfall <<a twilight Love story>>


i introduce you! Nightfall <<a twilight Love story>> 

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all i wanna say is... where is angel bunny?  also not my art XD

when im done with the first project i am making called The happiness i shall now make A dark Crystal Love! 

i would not delete any chapter on wattpad because the comics would be slightly (maybe) different from the original so expect to see new things!  :D

i hope you all have a wonderful day everyone! <3 

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now