the Game of Trust

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Discord: *sip a coffee* my turn smile

Astaroth: no fair i want it! This is my turn

Doscord: no mine

Astaroth: mine!!!

Discord and Astaroth: *cat fight*

Sombra: * look at you and the CTC* alright everyone nothig to see here *move everyonr in another room*

^...^         ^...^        ^...^

Crystal Empire

As fluttershy walk down to see Sombra she was stop when she saw him infront of her

"Oh my, Sombra i thought you were in your room" she said as she smile at him

"I saw you were talking Celestia" Sombra said crossing his arms "id wish you to never get close to that traitor anymore longer with a traitor" Sombra said with remorse

Fluttershy look at him "Sombra i know you have a past with Celestia but she is sorry" she said to him

"Sorry?" Sombra said with a scoff "sorry woudnt take back everything that has happend to me in the past" he said realizing that Celestia have told her more about him that he has the Chance

"But cant she show you that she has change?" Fluttershy said as she placed her hand to his shoulder as he sigh

Sombra sigh. He remember the past she have brought to him and yet she did nothing. He look at fluttershy and placed her hands to her cheeks "I cant. fluttershy. I hope you understand that" he said to her and gently rubbing her cheeks

Fluttershy look at him and nodded as she rested her head to his hand gently that made Sombra's heart flutter " i understand that Sombra but i do hoped that someday you both will be like brothers and sister's again" she said with him with a smile
Sombra made a small smile and gently pulling fluttershy close to her  "thats kind of you to think of Fluttershy" he said as he hekd her hand "it has been a long day we should get back to bed" he said to her as he pulled her hand gently and placed her to their room were he let her layed down and watched her fall asleep

He gently remove the hair from her face and look over to her peacefull angelic face as she sleep "im sorry fluttershy but i dont think i can forgive her " he said as he layed down and fall asleep

The Next morning

Sombra woke up as he moved his hand to the bed but something seems to be missing.

He open his eyes and sat up fastly realising that fluttershy was no were to be found.

His eyes widen.

He ran out of the bed as the fox and the wolf sat up ny the sudden burst as they watched sombra ran out of the room

Sombra Searched Every room as Candes saw him running

"Sombra" she called him

Sombra stop running as his eyes look around. His heart beating fast with worry and fear as he turn to her "what?"

Candes look at his action and felt something new "why are you running Sombra?"

Sombra bit his lips for a moment. He dint have the trust to talk to her.

"Sombra?" She called again as she sigh "i know we have been enemys for such a long time and when Spike put you back to prison death but doesnt mean you dont have hide everything. Please Sombra if you trust flu-" "Fluttershy is Missing" Sombra cut her as he grip her hand

Candes blink " fluttershys missing?" She said

"Yes fluttershy is missing and i cant find her anywere" he said with his voice shaking in fear.

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now