A Day with Kindness (part 1)

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Astaroth: okey okey were is she?!

Applebloom: inside now cmon!

Sombra: im not late am i? *nervous*


Sweetiebell: *look* guys over here!

Astaroth, applebloom and Sombra ran by the waiting room

Applebloom: hey while waiting can u continue the storie *pout*

Astaroth: dont worry sweetie im sure apple will tell you... now

Sombra: wait what r u saying?

Astaroth: uuuhhh-

Scootaloo: Astaroth is telling us your l-

Sombra: ill tell the story witch part?

Astaroth: alright when she leave u with her friend

Sombra: *groan* fine

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Sombra woke up and look around his room. He notice the animal on his chamber and the smell or rain go to his nostrils "so it wasn't a dream after all..." he said with a curse as stood up as he walk out of his bed chamber


He heard a singing by the distance it was beautiful and very pleasing so he followed it and the scent of food was replace as his mouth turn watery and he walk over to the kitchen and stopping by the door to see Fluttershy

She was singing a song yet what attracted sombra is that from the sun shining by the window it made fluttershy glow beautifully like an angel that gently flew down the heavens and it sure made a great combination from her fluffy puff wings.

Everything was turning so beautifully when he suddenly notice the animals helping her. There were mice,birds and everything other filtering creatures he found that can be added to his food chain is all around her helping.

Fluttershy was happily helping her animal friends finish the meal and preparing it to the table when she notice sombra by the door and she fastly just to the ceiling "King Sombra!" She said as her animal friend look at him and quickly hide and ran put of his empire and flutershy fell down the floor as she look up at him "i-im so s-sorry...  p-please dont hurt m-me" she said placing her hand over to her head

Sombra walk over to her and take a deep breath "dont worry Fluttershy i will not hurt u" he said as he offer his hands

Fluttershy gently look up at him with his deep blue eyes but Sombra quickly look away wondering what king of magic she is using to make his heard beat up and everything seem so mysterious.

She grab his hands and stand up quickly yet it ended up making their both head bump with each other

"Awe... m-my head" she said as she rub her temples then open her here eyes she meet with Sombra Red smoky green eyes as she turn deep red as she felt his hand around his face. She dint notice that when they bump their head's she was about to fall but thankfully Sombra grab her by the waste before she fall and giving her support

As Fluttershy turn deep red she place her hand over her mouth "o-oh my..." she said as she look up at him

Sombra cannot stop staring onto her deep blue eyes. So beautiful. So deep. The sea would have been envy of it. As he notice she place her hand over to her lips he hold her hand and and place it down to her chest as they both look close and he started to lean close to her face. But it dint happen when the fox and the wolf arrive in the kitchen.

Sombra pushed Fluttershy gently away from him and sat by the table 'what the hell' he thought in irritation 'what was i doing?!' He thought again

Fluttershy was still in deep red 'what was he going to do?' She thought as she look at him facing back at her while he sat onto the chair. But her thought was change when she look down and the fox was moving around her asking for food "o-oh your hungry. Dont worry i made something for all of you" she said as she take some plates and started feeding them

Sombra look over to them while his hand rested on his chin "hey, what about me?" He ask sternly as he look over the fox and the wolf  "give me something to eat and make it quick"

Fluttershy look at him then cross her arms at his attitude "say 'please' first" she said.

Sombra look at her "are u trying to tempt me woman?" He ask as he move his chair facing her

Fluttershy shook her head "say 'please' first... w-well if thats a-alright" she said as she lost her confidence and her hair move to her face and hiding

Sombra look at her and he found her attracting in every way he knew just in her small action he can give up but why. This is impossible. Right. He take a deep sign as he look away from her "fine... can u please give me food" he said

Fluttershy look at him and smile "oh i would love to" she said as she take some plate and serve him some food "here u go i hope u like it" she said with a smile

Sombra sign "i bet i will" he said as he ate the food he make and stop for a bit then began eating more.

Fluttershy was watching him and afraid that he was going to choke so she brought some water but gasp when he lift the plate clean "give me some more" he said as he look at her that made her in the eyes that made her heart flutter. He smirk then gave her the plate "please" he said

Fluttershy nodded and hold onto the plate as she gave him more food. Its been along time since Sombra got himself something nice to eat and finally he did. With a person he thought would gave full doubt of him

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Twilight : *listening* so that happen...
Sombra and Astaroth: *scream* u were here all the time?

Twilight: yeah i was listening

Sweety bell : thats funny *laugh with scootaloo and applebloom*

Sombra: stop cutting the story and let me continue *cross arms*

Twilight: it need something added to it so let me do the next one

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now