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Twilight: before u said the next story let me do this please

Sombra: fine!

Astaroth:i was wishing to tell the story *sat in the corner*

Twilight : just let me... *smile*

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In the Sisters Castle

Celestia rises the sun as she look over to twilight with a worried face while apple jack and rarity gave her comfort

Rainbow dash and pinkypie were still unconscious in a room as their body were wrap up in bandages from the fight

"This is all my fault if only i was focus on what i was doing fluttershy wouldn't get caught!" She said as rarity hug her "darling im sure fluttershy is safe she is shy but she can held a dragon by herself." She said as she do her best to give her friend some hope and courage  

"But Sombra isn't a Dragon... he is a dark King who can kill u coldly!" She said in panic and deep worries

Celestia look over to luna as they both nodded and walk towards them "fear not for my sister will go to flutershy's dream-""but what if fluttershy dont sleep. she must have been wide awake in fear of sobras grasp!" cried rainbow dash as she try to stand up but fall.

apple jack ran to her and quickly pick her up "calm down rainbow"

"ill make sure she will be safe" she said calmly but loud "i cannot let  anyone of you go back there do you understand? now please take some rest. this night have brought you all in such a pain but time will come that we will get fluttershy back"she said to them

twilight frowned "but princess Celestia as flutershy's friend i could not just sit here and rest while my friend is in danger i have to- "

Celestia gently place her hand to her mouth "i know twilight...i coudnt just stand like this too but" she shook her head "i coudnt not let you all go back in this kind of position" she said as she wrap her arms around twilight. twilight gripped her hand and hug princess Celestia tightly if only she dint force herself into fighting sobra, Fluttershy wouldn't have ended up like this "fluttershy please be safe" she said in a whispering tone as she sobbed onto celestia's chest

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the night came and Rarity place her arms around her shoulder "if anything happens to dear fluttershy i swear the tyrant will never see a single bit of light he has!" she said with a growl 

luna look at Rarity and the others with a frown. she put her head down with sadness even her she coudnt not have the words to comfort them. fluttershy have been such a wonderful friend to her and it shouldn't end this way she only hoped that nothing bad have happen to her or dear Celestia she would have to kick Sombra back to tartarus 

"are you ready for this dear sister?" Celestia ask as she place the warm cover over her sister's body 

"i have to be ready tia Fluttershy was the only one who have showed me kindness and if it wasn't for i-i - shhh its alright lulu now well be here to check up on you till you wake up... please be safe" Celesta said placing her hand to her sister's head and gently brushing her hair

luna look at her sister with a nod and she look at the others as apple jack walk over to her "ah know that yer worried and scared princess but were be here and ready by yer side and we will save fluutershy" she said to her as luna smile

"ill see you all when i wake up" she said as she gently close her eyes and a blue aura circled around her as she started to fall asleep as the cold air entered their room and inside luna's mind and soul she have entered the land of dreams and start the journey to find flutter shy's dream 

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sombra:  wooo so thats why

twilight: what??! 

sombra: *roll eyes* ohhh nothing

twilight: tell mee!

Alaster: *smile* you know twilight its is kinda funny cuz you guys are all worried but actually fluttershy is alright... ya know

twilight: *blushed deeply* will you please stop!

alaster: laugh

twilight: *smack alaster in the back of his head* tune up for the next chapter!*smile rubb alasters head*sssooorryyy~~

A dark crystal love 《Sombra X Fluttershy》Where stories live. Discover now