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Dusclaimer, this needs some serious editing because this is cringe as fck😩but somehow still 30k reads?

The train starts moving, and I look up from the ground. My dad and I are on our way to Hogwarts. It is my first time even being at a school.

I used to learn everything from my dad, since my mom died when I was eight. When I was younger her death used to be hard on me. I would wake uo during the night, screaming, hoping for her to hear me. Ever since she passed it has been just me and my father, and now that I'm fifteen years old, I have come to terms with the fact that she is at peace.

I start to zone out while looking out of the window. Suddenly a thin layer of ice appears on the window, wich seems weird to me because summerbreak just ended.
"Hey dad? What is happening?" I look to the place where my dad was seated across from me just a few minutes ago. I see him closing the compartment door, signing for me to stay put. "Dad?" No reaction. I kept looking at the door my father just walked through. Two terrifying black creatures pass my compartment. One stops and the other keeps moving.

Long thin fingers slowly close around doorhandle. The door squeaks as the creature fully opens is and comes inside. I swallow and press my back against the window, which is cold to my back.

Everything went cold. Like all the happines suddenly dissapeard from the
world. I black out.


Dad. I got up and walked the same way my dad did. I couldn't find him anywhere. Just when I turn around I heard him calling me. "Y/n are you okay? I was about to rush to you, I saw it coming from your direction." I nod, "I am fine dad. Does he need anything?" I say while pointing at the pale looking boy.
"Grab some chocolate from my bag will you?" I turned around and walked back to the place I came from. I grabbed some chocolate from my dads bag and walked back to him. "Here you go." I hand the chocolate to the girl seated next to the boy.

"Thanks darling, go back to our seats. I will be right with you." Once again I walked back. The ice that was on the window just a few minutes ago started to dissapear. Not melting, but disappearing.

"Hey Y/n. I'm back. Are you okay?"

"Yes dad, I'm fine. But what were those . . . things." my dad sat down besides me and places his hand on mine. "That was a dementor dear, from Azkaban."
A dementor? What was it doing here?
"Dad? Why was it on the train?" I asked him when I felt the train slowly moving again.

"Remember when I told you about your godfather Sirius Black escaping from Azkaban? I think it was searching the train for him." My dad replied. After that I didn't say anything else, still in shock of what I just witnessed.


Before I knew we arrived. "I'm afraid this is where I leave you Y/n. I have to accompany the other teachers, but you will be just fine." I gave my dad a hug. He kissed my head and walked away.

A tall woman with her hair upbin a tight bun walks up to me.
"You must be Y/n, Remus' daughter." I nodded and followed her. "You will be sorted with the first years, I know that may be a bit weird." I didn't say anything and kept walking. We arrived at a group of young looking students. First years.

The woman started talking about the sorting ceremony. After her speech we walked trough a door into the Great Hall. We stopped in the back of the room.

"Stand beside me y/n. You will be sorted after I'm done with the first years." I walked up to the woman and looked at the four long wooden tables. At one table everyone wore green. Slytherin. At the other three tables students were wearing blue, red and yellow.
Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Hufflepuf.

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