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George didn't say anything. He just looked at me with a happy smirk. "You will get your girl Freddie. You will!"

"I really hope so. But I need your help with arrangements for our date."

"Yes, ofcourse Fred. When it is?"


"Great! We will find something. But first the practice game!" I instantly rememberd I promised Y/n to give her my jersey. "I need to go, see you on the field?" George nodded.

Y/n pov:
I was in my dorm when I heard someone knock on my door. I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around me. "Who is it?"
"It's me, Fred! Now open the door you silly."

"Let me put on some clothes first!"
I rushed to my closet and grabbed some black mom jeans and a black turtle neck. "Coming!" I opened the door and Fred casualy walked in.
"Just came here to say you look beautiful, but you would look better if you also had my jersey on." He winked and handed me the jersey. "I have to go though, otherwise I will have to deal with an angry quidditch captain. See you soon." He gave me a quick kiss on my head and left.

"Hey Y/n? Why did Fred just leave your room?" Ginny and Hermione walked in. "He came to drop off his jersey."
I casualy said while putting it over my black turtle neck. "Aha, I see what is going on here." Ginny commented. Hermione gave her an confused look. "Okay, okay. We may have confessed our feelings towards eachother. And... are going on a date. Tomorrow..."

"Omg! That is great!" Hermione and Ginny yelled at the same time. "We should go. But you can't tell anyone about this yet." They both nodded and we made our way to the quidditch field.

"Y/n, why are Fred and Elijah looking at eachother like they could murder one another?"

"Fred thinks Elijah had a thing for me or something." Both girls stared at me. "Elijah? He has a thing for you?"

"Well that night in the Astronomy tower he did ask me if I saw it as a date or not."

"Obviously you don't!" Ginny said. You are going on a date with Fred!
"Look! It is 40-10 for Gryffindor!" Someone behind us yells.

After a while I hear a voice I didn't reconize. "You are Y/n right?"
"Yes? Who are you?" There is a tall blond boy standing behind me.
"Doesn't matter who I am, all that matters is that Elijah wants to talk to you after the game, is that okay?"

"Well I have to go to the twins first but after tha-"

"Great!" He says and than walks away. "What was all that about?" Ginny asked me. "No idea."

After the game Fred and George caught up with us. "Well done guys." I gave Fred a kiss on his cheek and George a hug. "It was close! We were lucky Harry caught the snitch!"

We didn't really have anything to do for the rest of the day and I tried to avoid Elijah. I went to my dads classroom to see if he was there. I couldn't find him. On my way back to the common room I ran into Elijah. "Hey Lijah..." He gave me a hug and I flinched a bit. "You look lovely."

"Uhm thanks... what did you want to talk about?" He didn't say anything for a while and just stared into my eyes. "Elijah? Are you okay?" He took a step closer. "I have a thing for you Y/n. Is it that hard to see?"

"Oh my... Elijah... I'm sorry... I kind of have a thing for someone else." He looked hurt.

"Can't you see I'm the better choice? I can give you everything you want. Love, affection. Just give me a chance, we both know you and Fred won't work out. He is bad for you!" What did he just say? How did he know about me and Fred? "Exuse me?"

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