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Chapter dedication: SofieTummers2006

❗❗❗❗❗❗❗A/N: ❗❗❗❗❗❗❗
Before you reed this chapter I want to say something. ❗
There will be things done by people (not something bad) who in the films would never tho this. But this is an fanFICTION and I thought it would be good for the storyline.

"Y/N! Draco! Dinner!" Fenrir shouted.
I turned around and tried to leave the bedroom. "Y/n? What is that on your back? Mother is right. He is hurting you, isn't he?" I ignored his comment and kept walking. "Hey Y/n wait. What did he do?"

"Nothing Malfoy, drop it." When we came downstairs Draco quickly went back to his cocky and arrogant self.

"Ah Y/n. Lovely to see you." Narcissa spoke. Was it lovely to see me? A few years back her husband treathend me and my dad? What is it with the nice act.

"Yes ineed." Lucius said.

"Y/n, Narcissa told me that she wanted to teach you some spells after dinner." Fenrir said with a smirk. I don't think he and Narcissa have the same ideas about what will happen after dinner.
"Yes, indeed Fenrir. She needs it."
Was that an insult?

Dinner started fine. Until Narcissa asked a question I wasn't prepared for.
"So... Y/n. I noticed some scars on your back. Did you have an accident?"

"Y-yes. When I was little. I don't really like to talk about it."

"I understand." She gave me a caring look. Is she really trying to comfort me or something?

"Dinner was lovely Fenrir. Perhaps you could show me and Draco your house while Narcissa will work on some spells with Y/n?" Fenrir nodden. "Follow me gentlemen."

Once they left the room Narcissa rushed to me and helped me up.
"I think getting up from a chair is something I don't need help with."
I said. "I'm sorry. Can you take me to a place where we won't be interrupted?"

I started walking towards the stairs and went up to the first floor. "We can practice the spells in my room. It is big enough. Sorry about the mess."

"I'm not going to teach you spells dear. Let's sit down." I looked confused and she noticed it.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I hope this will anwser most of them. When the rumor got around that a certain Lupin was missing not much later another rumor got into the world about Fenrir finding a new werewolf. Not much later. Lucius and I put two and two together. Fenrir was the one who took you. I convinced Fenrir to have dinner with us to celebrate he found his newest werewolf."

"Great! More people who want to keep me away from everyone I love!"

"No Y/n. That is not why we are here. We will take you back to our house. We will give you all the help you need while we wait for your dad to come pick you up. It is to dangerous for us to go to him." I was as confused as possible. The Malfoy's are here to save me?

"I don't believe you!" I tried to leave but the door closed before my eyes. "If I was lying, then why did I steal this from Greyback." I turned around and saw her holding something. I came closer.
"T-that is his wand... You stole his wand..." She stood up and hugged me.
I flinched a bit and then awkardly hugged her back. "I can't thank you enough." She handed me the wand.

"After the boys will come back you will have to pretend that you are thanking me for teaching you the spells and then hug me. When you are hugging me I will apparate to our Manor and take you with me. Draco and Lucius will follow. Do you understand?" I nodded heavily.

"Then let's go back downstairs." We walked down the steps. "There you are! We should go Narcissa." Lucius said when we entered the room. I'm standing next to Fenrir when Narcissa nodded at me. "Thank you for teaching me the spells Mrs. Malfoy."

"Oh no, call me Narcissa." This woman knew how to act. I walked up to her and hugged her. "Are you ready?" She whispered in my ear. I slowly nodded without anyone seeing it.
"Hold on tight." Suddenly I felt my body twist and turn until I felt the save ground under my feet again. I felt a bit sick. I looked around and saw a really big house in front of me. "This is so big."

"Yes it is." I hear Draco say. I turned around and saw Lucius and Draco.

"He is mad. I warned him not to come near you again. I think he won't. He knows he can't take the four of us." Lucius said with a calm voice.

"I can't thank all of you enough. But I need to see my dad."

"Lucius will send your dad an owl. You can scome with Draco. He will show you the guest room while I will make you something to eat. You are way too skinny." I followed Draco to a room that didn't suit the house. It was white and there were some decorations.
"Mother did a spell to make it more comfortable. She thought you would like it. Even if it is for one night."


"Y/n! Draco! Can you some to the kitchen?" Lucius called us. "Let's go."

"Our owl is on his way. In the letter I told your dad that you are save at our house and that he can come and pick you up tomorrow. It would be to dangerous for us to go to the burrow or your house."

Remus pov:
"Molly! Arthur! Can you come to the kitchen! Hurry up!" They rushed in.

"An owl just arrived. It's from the Malfoy's."

"How do you know Remus."

"Remember when Lucius treathend me and Y/n? It's the same owl." They looked shocked. "What are you waiting for Remus! Open the letter!" Arthur said. I opened the envelope and read the letter carefully. I felt tears rolling over my cheek. "What is it Remus? Is it Y/n? Do they have her? Is she... dea-"

"T-they... saved her... from Greyback..."

"They did what! She is save!? After all this time the Malfoy's are the ones who found her!? We need to pick her up!" Molly snapped. Arthur looked scared. "What is it Arthur?" Molly asked her husband.

"It is just... I don't trust Lucius. What if it is a trap or something?"

"I don't care! If there is even a small change I will see my daughter again I will take it! Pick the boys up from Hogwarts... they will want to see her."

"Want to see who? Are you talking about Y/n? Remus? Where us she?" Tonks just came back from work. I hugged her instantly.
"The Malfoy's found her. I'm going to pick her up first thing in the morning. You go with Molly and Arthur to pick up the other Weasleys from school. Dumbledore will understand."

That night I stayed awake. Looking forward to seeing my daughter agian after almost three months.

 Looking forward to seeing my daughter agian after almost three months

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(Word count: 1221)
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