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She hugged me back with one hand. With the other she held het crutches. "Oh Fred, that reminds me. Madam Pomfrey said I need to change the bandages around my head myseld from now on, since the wound is almost healed. Can you maybe help?" I nodded. "Ofcourse love."

Fred pov:
I helped her change bandages. They looked rediculous, but she was still pretty. "Done!" I said. "Thank you Fred."

"No problem Y/n. You know that. You looked cute in my jersey by the way."
I commented.

"Oh shut up Fred."
There she goes again, thinking my flirting is just me joking.
"Want to accompany me to dinner?" She asked, I nodded and helped her get down the stairs.


Y/n pov:
Another two weeks have passed and tomorrow night it was a full moon. I was scared Dumbledore would have to help my dad with his transition but my head was almost completely healed. And I could walk without my crutches but I didn't go very fast. Most of the time Fred or George helped me get somewhere.

It is Friday, I'm in my dorm doing my homework. Hermione walked in.
"Hey Y/n. What are you doing?"
I turned around in my chair. "Mugglestudies." I simply replied.
"Need some help?" I exepted her help and we finished my homework together. "I heard from the twins that Snape gave you a hard time in potions today. Are you okay?"

"Yes he did. Something about me thinking I can do everything I want because my dad is a teacher. And I think we all know I am not the most outgoing person, so I don't know what his point was. But I'm fine, thanks."
We sat down on my bed and talked a litte longer. "So Y/n, any love interest?"
I looked at her confused.
"No not really, why?"

"HA! Not really! So there is someone?" I shook my head. "No, back home I had a boyfriend. But when I had to moved here we broke up. So I'm not really looking for something right now. Why?"

"No reason."

Earlier that day

"She has such an adorable laugh and have you ever noticed that she bites her lower lip when she is thinking?" We were in the common room. George, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and me.
"Fred, I think you may have a crush
on Y/n."

"You know what... maybe I do George. Do you think I should I tell her?"

Back to present
Fred pov:
Hermione came back downstairs.
"Took you long enough."
She sat down next to Ron. "She recently broke up with someone Fred, just be carefull."
"With who? A wizard?"
Hermione shook her head. "No a muggle, he lives near her and her dads house. When she moved here she had to break up with him."
She didn't break up because he or she wanted to, she had to. Does she still have feelings for him? "Thanks Hermione."

"Thank her for what?" Everyones eyes went straight to the stairs. "Help with homework!" George quickly said. Almost like we agreed that we would say that. "Okay?"
She walked to the door. "Where are you going?" I quickly asked her. "My dad." And she continued making her way to the door. "I'll go with you!"

"Thanks Fred, but I need to talk to him alone."

"Then I will walk with you." She finally agreed and we made our way to the DADA classroom. On our way we talked for a little while. About school, quidditch practice and other stuff.

Y/n pov:
"Here we are, I will wait for you here."
I pulled him into a quick hug and went into the classroom. "Hey dad."

"Hey darling, how are you?"

"Fine I guess, considering. You know tomorrow night. My leg is almost completely healed so I can help you and give you the potion." My dad asked me some more things about school and stuff. We had a nice talk.
"Hey Y/n? Have you-" he stopped talking and put a silencing spell on the room.
"Have you noticed any changes? Sharper teeth? Better smell and taste? Or other things?" I gave my dad a hug.

"No, nothing yet. And it is alot of full moons away. I have enough time to prepare."

"Yes you are right... Well I think someone is waiting for you. Don't want to keep him waiting too long now do we." I turned around and went back to Fred.

"Had I nice talk with your dad?"

"Yes, I did. You didn't have to wait Fred. But thanks." We started walking again. We went up the changing staircases. Fred walked in front of me. We reached the top of the last stairs. I wanted to step onto the last platform, but I slipped with one foot and almost fell back onto the stairs.

Fred grabbed my hand just in time and pulled me close to him. I flinched a little but than relaxed. Not noticing Fred was still holding me really tight I looked down the stairs. I turned my head around and looked in his eyes. He stared back at me. It was really silent for a moment. Just two 15 year old kids living in the moment. Just the two of them.

I started feeling awkard and tried to come up with an excuse for him to let me go. "Fred Weasley, how mamy times will I have to thank you in my life." He gave me a smirk and let me go. 


George pov:
"It was so amazing, I could feel that she felt save. She kept staring in my eyes."

It is amazing to hear how happy Fred is at the moment. But what if she doesn't like him back, or falls in love with someone else? I was worried, I didn't want her to break his heart.

Y/n came back downstairs, wearing dark blue jeans with a hoodie. "Bye guys, Dumbledore wants to talk to me. I will be back soon!" She left before anyone could say anything.

"Hello professor Dumbledore, why did you want to talk to me?"

"Potions, I know snape gave you a hard time. But he and your father just don't really get along and he is taking it out on you. But you are doing great in potions, and there are a few third years that need some help. Would you be able to tutor them?"

"Uhm, I would like to do that but it depends on how many students."

"Just three, and I trust you won't tell anyone who you are tutoring, they would like to keep it private." I nodded. "Of course professor, who are they?"

"Draco malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Harry Potter. Is that okay with you?" F*ck, I need to tutor Blaise. Fun.
"Yes professor, that is okay. When will I tutor them?"

"Every friday. Draco at 2pm, Harry at 3pm and Blaise at 4pm. You won't have to use the whole hour but I picked these times so you can have a break between each session."

"Thanks a lot professor."


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(Word count: 1203)
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