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I slowly lifted my shirt a little bit, just enough to see the three clawmarks. And took of the bandage. "Omg Y/n, I... I don't know what to say."

"You don't have to. I understand this is alot."

Fred pov:
"I just... are you okay?" She nodded at me. "My best friend just accepted me for who I am. I couldn't be better Fred." She gave my a hug. I rested my chin of her schoulder. 
Am I her best friend. Nothing more. Or am I more? Maybe she just doesn't want to tell me. I have hope. "Does is hurt a lot?"

"No. Well, it did. But Madam Pomfrey gave me a few flasks with some kind of medicine to take away a bit of the pain." 

We talked a little longer. "My dad said he had something in mind for our next DADA lesson. Monday he will do it with the third years. Tuesday the fifth years are up. Something that involves
a closet." I wondered what it could be, but I didn't worry too much.


Y/n pov:
It is eight in the morning. I have a bad feeling about today. I am on my way to the Great Hall for some breakfast with Ron, Hermione and Harry.

Harry keeps looking at me like something is wrong. "Is something wrong Harry?" He woke up from his trance. "No nothing, you just have an eyelash on your cheek." I tried to get it of my cheek but I couldn't find it. We sat down. Harry and Ron besides me. Hermione on Ron's left side. The twins walked in with Oliver and someone I didn't reconise. They sat across the table.

"Here let me help you." Harry lifted up his hand and grabbed my cheek. With his thumb he slowly removed the eyelash.

Fred pov:
I saw Harry's hand reach for her cheek. His thumb slowly touched her face. I pretended to choke on my food. All the faces within ten feet looked my way. "Sorry, just choked on... something." Harry turned back to Y/n. Does he have a thing for her? But she is 15, and Harry is 13. She would never date him. Right?

We made our way to potions with snape. "Turn to page 268. Grab your cauldrons and at least try to make me proud."
I was sitting with George. Y/n worked alone. She liked it.
No distractions, discussions on how it was supposed to go. George gave me a smirk when he caught me staring.
"Fred, no time for staring. Focus."
He said a little to loud.

"So Fred... tell me. Who were you staring at?" She asked. "N-No one, just thinking about how ridiculous Snape's hair is." I said in a whisper voice.
"Mr Weasley! You just delivered yourself one hour of detention!" I heard Snape say annoyed. Shit.

The rest of the day we have our classes with Ravenclaw. We walked out of the classroom. On our way to Herbiolegy. After that we had Defence Against The Dark Arts. I was curious what Proffesor Lupin had in mind for us.

In Herbiolegy I didn't really get the chance to talk to Y/n, since she was paired up with Elijah. A fifth year Ravenclaw. They seemed to have fun, I felt kind of jealous she didn't laugh dat way around me. Or maybe she was just faking it with Elijah. Or she still heft a little awkard around me. "Come on Fred, they are just talking. And if you are that jealous, just ask her out."

"I can't George, she recently just broke up with someone."

"So then why are you worried about Elijah? And besides, didn't she tell you she was over her ex?"

"Yeah she did but-"
"Stop it Fred! Just ask her out. The worst thing that could happen is a no."
No. That is exactly the word I didn't want to hear from her.

Y/n pov:
"Does anyone know what this is?" No one anwserd to my dads question.
"A Boggart professor." A voice in the back said. "Correct Elijah, and what does a Boggart look like?"

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