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"This right here is the Ravenclaw common room."
As we slowly walk to our common room we run into Mcgonagall. "Fred, George, can I borrow Y/n for a minute?" They nod and Mcgonagall and I take a few steps away from the twins.

"I really hope you don't mind, but all the shared dorms are full. All we have left is a dorm with one bed. You could ask another Gryffindor to move dorms once you have met a few people, but that is up to you." I nod in exitement.

I prefer being alone. Sharing a bedroom with other girls wasn't exactly a thing I was looking forward too during my time here, and I cannot help but feel relieved. "Oh and Y/n, all your stuff is in your dads classroom. I believe the twins can lead you there." She says, eyeing them.

I make my way back to the twins not saying anything. We start walking. "Can you guys maybe lead me to the Defense against the dark arts classroom? I need to pick up my stuff." Fred nods.
"What did Mcgonagall want by the way?" George asks.
"To tell me I have a dorm of my own, all the others were full."

"You have your own room?" George says with a bit of jealousy. "Yes George, I do. Jealous?" Fred just looks suprised. I smile, and find myself surprised because of it.

We start walking towards the DADA classroom. We pick up my stuff, say hello to my dad, and go to the common room after. When we stand in front of the painting Fred says a password and the painting opens. Fred and George walk inside. Fred looks back and sees me still standing in the opening. He walks back to me with a grin. "Do you want to meet some more people?"

"I don't know, I don't really socialise." I say in a wispering voice. "Come on, everyone is super nice. And if it gets to much we can go away and get your stuff to you dorm. I nodded again and walked inside. Fred stands behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. I flinch a little bit. "Guys, this is Y/n." Fred and I walk to the fireplace where a lot of people sit.

A slightly smaller boy with red hair stands up and walks towards me. I shake his hand. "Hi, I'm Ron. Fred and George are my big brothers, and that is our little sister Ginny." A girl with long red hair waves at me. Another boy comes to me with a girl. "Hi I'm Harry, this is Hermione." I nod to the both of them. Some other people introduce themselves.

I just stand there looking around until George yells my name. "Hey Y/n! Can you come here for a second." I walk up to him and a boy. "Y/n, this is Oliver Wood. Oliver, this is Y/n." I didn't say a word. "Oliver here is captain of the quidditch team, have you ever played quidditch? We need a new Chaser."

"I often threw around a quaffle with my dad but that's it." I say shyly.
"Why don't you come to try-outs tomorrow?" Oliver said.
"Oh, I don't know. I-"

"You're going!" I heard Fred say behind me. "Sorry Fred but, no." He looks slightly dissapointed. "Please? For us? We'd love to see you play." George stepped in. "Fine! As long as you guys will shut up about it until try-outs." All three of them agree.


The next morning I wake up pretty early. I take a shower and change into my robes. After school I would have try-outs, I wasn't really nervous about the try-outs but more about the fact that people were going to watch me. I hate those kind of things.

After I drying my hair I decide not to put it in a ponytail. I walk down the stairs making my way to the common room. No one is there and breakfast isn't served for another while. I make my way out of the common room and explore the hallways for a few minutes. After a while I reach my dads classroom. I knock and walk in. "Hey dad." I pulled him into a hug. "How did you sleep darling?" He asks.

"Really good, you? Fully recoverd from, you know, a few nights ago?" He nods. "Yes darling, thanks for asking. I've noticed you made some friends? The Weasley twins, huh?"

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