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"Y/n! Wake up sleepyhead!" I slowly opened my eyes. Two exiting looking twins had their head floating above mine. "What? Did I fall asleep here?"

"Looks like you did Love." Fred kissed my forehead. "I'm going to shower and change my clothes. I have something cool to show you. See you at breakfast?"

"Yes Love!" Another kiss was planted on my forehead.

"So boys, ready for practice?" Both boys already had their quidditch jerseys on. "Yes! Are you watching?" Fred asked.

"Of course she is." George anwserd before I could. I just nodded. "So what did you want to show us!" George said a little to loud. "George! Shh! Not here." They gave me a strange look.

"I will tell or well... show you after practice." We finished our food and made our way too the field. "I'll be with Hermione and Ginny, see you later boys." They waves and mounted their brooms. I saw Hermione and Ginny with a Hufflepuf girl I didn't know. "Hey girls, how are you?"


"You did great boys." We went to the black lake.
"What are we doing here Y/n?" George asked. "Remember that thing I wanted to show you? I don't want other people seeing it just yet."

"What is it Love? Are you alright?" I nodded and sighed. "Ready?" They nodded.

"Remember when I told you both my parents are werewolfs? Last night I was talking with Tonks during my dads shift. She told me my mother was half Metamorphmagus, just like Tonks, meaning there was a small chance I was too. Last night she sort of asked me if I wanted to find out."

"A Metamorphmagus!? That is so cool!" George began. "Yes indeed! Did you find out if you inherited it?" Fred continued.

"Well uhm..." I closed my eyes and focused on the colour purple again. When I opened my eyes I saw the suprised looks on their faces. "So... what do you think?"

"You should go for blue next time." George joked. It made Fred laugh.

"Does this mean you can transfigurate into other people too?"

"Well... yes. But it will take ALOT of time. And it is possible that my hair might change because of certain emotions. Can you give me a warning if that happens? I don't feel completely comfortable walking around with pink or orange hair just yet." They laughed. "Ofcourse Y/n! You will get it under control. Will you tell us what the colours mean?"

"Yeah no. You can forget about that. Some colours are obvious though according to Tonks."

"I think the colour red would say enough in some situations. Wouldn't want an angry Y/n, now do we." George joked. Fred just smiled.

"No you don't. Let's go back."

We were on the couch the crowded common room. "Y/n can I talk to you?" Fred asked me. I took his hand and lead him to my dorm. "What is it Fred?"

"I don't believe you."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"You told me I did good in practice, I don't believe you." What is he talking about?

"What? Why not?"

"Your gonna have to prove it to me."
He came closer to me, I stepped back and the back of my leg touched my bed. I fell backward. Fred dropped himself beside me. I layed on my side and looked into his eyes. His finger touched my cheek and went all the way down to my arm. "Fred."


He pushed me with my back on the bed. He climbed on top of me and started kissing me. The kiss became more passionate with every movement. He started to kiss my neck for a while and came back to my mouth. "Why are you so beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I felt the goosebumps on my arms and neck.

"Y/n, Fred you coming? WHAT! BYE NOW!"

"GEORGE!" Fred yelled. I laughed. "Now, where were we love." The kiss continued. "Do you want this? Be honest."

"I- I don't kno-"

"I can wait love, just tell me the truth."
This is why I liked him so much.
He truly cared about how I thought about these things and didn't mind waiting.
"I don't think I'm ready just yet. I'm sorry Fred, I totally ruined the moment."

"Don't... you didn't ruin anything. It's not your fault you're not ready yet. Everything on your time."

"Thanks Freddie, I l- really like you." Was I about to say I love him? Do I love him?

He played with my hair a little longer. "Y/n... your hair, It is... sort of... yellow."
Fred whispered.

"WHAT! Yellow!?" I sat up straight. I concentrated on the original colour of my hair. "It's back to normal love. You don't have to anwser but, what does yellow mean?"

"I'm happy Freddie. Really happy."

"Me too Y/n."

"Can you promise me something?" I asked him.

"That depends on what it is dear."

"Promise me you will always tell me if something is wrong, or if you don't feel good or okay. I want to be there for you, no matter what."

"I will promise if you will."

"I promise Freddie."

"Than I promise to do the same Y/n." I lifted my head and put it on his chest. "Are you tired love?" I simply nodded and closed my eyes.

Fred pov:
She fell asleep on my chest. It felt amazing. "I don't want to lose you Y/n" I whisperd. After a while i saw a few yellow hairs and after less than a minute her hair was completely yellow again. "I'm happy too love."

Her head moved a bit. I took her hand and drawed little circles on the back of her hand with my thumb. How did I get so lucky. She is perfect. And I'm falling hard.

"Y/n? Fred? Are you guys in here?" I heard George ask. "Come in, just be quiet." I told him.

"Freddie! Did she fall asleep?" I nodded at my brother. "I'm falling brother. Hard."

"Do you think you love her? It may be early but, do you?" Of course I did.

"I think I do Georgie. Look a how perfect she is." I kept staring at her.

"You are lucky Freddie, you are perfect together. I expect an invite to the wedding." He winked and left.

"F-Freddie? Are you... still here? Will you stay?" For a moment I thought she was waking up. But she wasn't. Is she dreaming about me? "I'm here, I won't leave you Y/n." I kissed her head. This time she did wake up. "Hey Freddie."


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(Word count: 1126)
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