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"Every friday. Draco at 2pm, Harry at 3pm and Blaise at 4pm. You won't have to use the whole our but I picked these times so you can have a break between each session."

"Thanks a lot professor."

Y/n pov:
"What did Dumbledore want?" Fred asked me when he sat down on my bed. I was once again cleaning up my closet. "He asked me to help some third years with potions. To tutor them." Fred tapped on my bed as a sign for me to sit down. I sat down and he looked at me. "Do you know who and when you wil tutor?" I nodded. "I do, but the information about who is confidential. So I'm not supposed to tell you, sorry Fred."

"It's okay, Dumbledore trusts you. So I won't ask you again." He opened his arms and I hugged him. This time the hug was longer than usual. He laid his chin on top of my head. I felt save.

Fred pov:
I needed to know for sure if she wasn't open voor someone new. Because if she was, maybe I had a chance. I just had to know. "So tell me something about you. Any weird exes? Funny childhood stories?"

"Well just before I went to Hogwarts, I broke up with someone. I just didn't think long distance would work. And since he is a muggle, I couldn't tell him about me... or my dad. It was hard, but I'm over it."

"That's just sucks... so... is there a chance you would date someone here? A Gryffindor? Maybe a Hufflepuf or Ravenclaw. And maybeeee even a Slytherin?"

"I mean...I don't know. I'm scared I might hurt them. It is just... nevermind."

"You? Hurt someone? But you are one of the nicest people I know! You won't hurt a fly."

"That... is not what I mea- You are probably right."

I am still holding her in my arms. I wanted her to be comfortable, I am scared I will scare her or make her flinch again. She started to feel really warm so I slowly let go off her. Was she just warm or somehow nervous? Was she not telling me the truth?
"How about you Fred? Anyone you are interested in?"

"Well... there is this girl. She is really sweet and beautiful. And I don't know, I think I have a crush on her. And not a small one."

Y/n pov:
He likes someone... wait why do I care, do I like him? No I don't, do I? I can't let him think I do.
"Just ask her out, who would not want a date with Fred Weasley. Show her how amazing you are!"

"It's not that easy, trust me..."


It is saturday morning today is the day of the full moon. Dad says he is fine but I know he isn't. He hates the full moons. I had breakfast really early, when I was about to leave the Great Hall the twins came to me with Harry and Ron. "Hey guys, how are you doing."

"I'm good." George said.
"Yeah I'm fine." Harry replied.
"Good, but hungry." Typical... Ron.

"I'm good how are you love?" Fred is always so sweet. He is so protective and cares a lot. Sometimes a bit too much. Maybe I do kind of like him.

I still needed an excuse for tonight. I had my own room so I didn't have to worry about roommates. But I had to sneek in and out of the common room. Or I was going to need a really good excuse.

"Hey guys, me and my dad are visiting my moms grave tonight. I thought I'd tell you, in case you would get worried about my whereabouts."

"And with that she means you Fred."

"Oh shut up George." Fred said annoyed. "Guys stop it!" Harry said.

Well I have to go, I'm meeting up with one of the students I have to tutor. He doesn't like the time we are supposed to meet or something." I stood up. "So one of them is a boy!" Fred instantly said.
Harry almost choked on his food. "You are going to tutor the third years?"

"Yes Harry, I am." Harry quickly swallowed his food. The twins were buzy talking to eachother. "I'll see you on friday." I whisperd. I gave him a short friendly wink and walked away.

I went into the potions classroom. "So Malfoy, you have some kind of issue with the time we are supposed to meet on friday?"

"Wait! Are you tutoring me? And yes, I do. Can you maybe tutor me in the evening? At 8pm perhaps?"

"Yes Malfoy, I am tutoring you! And 8pm is fine, but not a minute later!" And after that I walked away.

I went to Dumbledore's office to tell him. Dumbledore agreed to my idea to tutor Blaise at 2pm instead. And Harry would still have his session at 3pm.

I went to my dads classroom to make the wolfsbane potion with him. It would make him tired and he wouldn't  be able to hurt me or anyone else. After we made de potion we both went our separate ways. I went to have dinner with the boys and Hermione, and dad went to Dumbledore about tonight to make sure everyone will hear the same excuse. Visiting my moms grave. My dad, me and Dumbledore are the only people at school who know about my dads condition and in a few months mine.

I didn't really have much of an appetite but Fred kind of forced me to eat. I kept tapping my heel on the ground.
"Y/n are you okay? You seem... scared... or nervous." I stopped tapping with my foot for a second.

What am I going to say.
"I'm sorry, I'm just... I haven't been to her grave in months."

"It's okay Y/n, i was just worried." George gave him a strange look. "Fred, you are always worried about her."

My dad and I went outside deep into the woods. When a werewolf shifts into a wolf, they forget who they are and who they care about. All they see, is something that might be a treath. We let Dumbledore know where we went in case we were late or if we would be lost. We stopped somewhere in the woods. I saw the moon rising and my dads eyes turned really dark purple, almost black. I quickly gave him the potion. He opened the vile and just when he wanted to drink it, I stepped on a branch if wood.

My dad jumped and dropped the flask on the ground. The glass broke into small pieces. My dad began to shift. He didn't take his potion.

"Dad! Remember who you are! Stay with me! DAD! IT'S ME! Y/N! DAD LISTEN TO ME!"
He was lost, now all I could do was run like my life depended on it. Which it did. My leg hurt a lot but I couldn't think about that right now.

First I ran towards hogwarts which I realised wasn't a good idea. I turned to my left and went the other way. I heard my dad come closer. I felt something scratching my torso and then everything went black.


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