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A/N  I think most of you know what they mean but for this chapter
you will need y/h/c (your hair colour) and y/e/c  (your eye color).

"Did it hurt a lot?" She asked "Tonks that is enough for now." My dad quickly said. "Oh yes, sorry. Y/n dear, why don't you join your friend for dinner. I will pick you up in the Gryffindor commonroom at 8pm. Is that okay?" I didn't say anything and just hugged her. Her hands went up in the air a bit but then she hugged me back. "Thank you for doing this for my dad."

I let go and walked to the Great Hall. I sat down. Fred and George weren't there yet. I didn't feel like eating.

"Hey Y/n" I heard George say. He sat down across the table. "Hey George, where is Fred?"

Fred put his hands on my shoulders and gave a kiss on my cheek. "Right here love." I dug into my food after Fred gave me another kiss. "George told me about Nymphadora, how was it?"

"I was a bit shy at first as usual but she is amazing. And you guys remember Mcgonagall can transfigurate into a cat? Well Tonks can change the color of her hair, sometimes it happens because of an emotion though. And she transfigurate into other people and some parts of her body can turn into animals!"

"Are you serious!? That is so cool!" George snapped.

"She said my mother was half werewolf and half like Tonks. I don't know what that means for me but I plan on asking her tonight."

After dinner we hung out with some others in the common room. At 8pm Tonks walked in. Everyone stared at her pink hair. She noticed it and turned it back to the orinal mousebrown colour. It looked good. But pink suits her too. "What are you all looking at?" She asked. "You're Nymphadora Tonks!" Someone yelled. "You're an Auror. What are you doing here?"

"Picking up a friend. Y/n dear, are you ready?" I nodded and we apparated to a tree. "Tonks? What are we doing here?"
"Your dad will be here soon. Come with me."

We climed down a hole under the tree. After a while we ended up in a small space. "You father can spend his night here." She spoke. "Hey Y/n, Tonks. You ready?" We both nodded at my dad who just walked in. "We are more than ready, here is you potion Remus."

My dad took the potion. He swallowed it and got tired in an instant. "Now, the potion should work long enough but in case it won't I will spell the entrance so you can't get out." My dad just nodded. We saw the moon rising and we left my dad. We sat down in the grass field that surrounded the tree. "Tonks, can I ask you something?"

She looked at me. "Ofcourse dear, what is it?" I hesitated a bit. "What did you mean back in Dumbledore his office. About my mother being half werewolf, and half Metamorphmagus? Does that mean I am too?"

"I don't know dear, it could be possible that it will develope over the years. Now I have a question. Why have you never shifted before?"

"My mother put a spell on me before she died, it will slow my transition down until I become sixteen. If everything goes alright, I'll shift at te first full moon after my birthday."

"That sounds good. Isn't it?" I nodded at her. "It is, now I can learn from dad before I need to do it myself."

"That is understandable."

"Hey Tonks... it there a way... to find out if I'm a Metamorphmagus?" I asked her softly. "I don't know dear, maybe. Do you want to learn it?"

"Yes! I would love to!"

"Okay, try this. Close you eyes. Tell me what colour your eyes and hair is."

"I have y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes." I tell Tonks.

"Okay now focus on what you would look like with your hair pink or any other colour." I still had my eyes closed. I focused on the colour purple.
"Uhm, Y/n? Open your eyes."

"What is it Tonks?" I opened my eyes and saw my own hair in the corner of my eye. "I did it! My hair is purple!"

"Not just your hair, dear. Your eyes too!" I felt powerfull. "Do you think that eventually I can do everything you can do?"

"I'm sure of it Y/n! It will take some time but I can teach you!"

"Thank you Tonks."

"So tell me, how is life at hogwarts these days." She asked me.

"Exept for the creepy Dementors hanging around things are great. Everyone is a bit scared that Sirius Black might show up but besides that everything is great."

"Do you have many friends? A boyfriend maybe?" I liked how she tried to distract me from the thought that my dad was in pain but I still couldn't take my mind of it.

"Like you may have noticed I'm more of a quiet shy person but Fred and George Weasley are my best friends. They really help me get over my anxienty around people. And no boyfriend, yet. I mean Fred and I... it's complecated. We both like were we are at now."

"The Weasley huh, great volks. I spoke with their dad a few times at the Minestry. He is a really nice man."

"I have never met him or their mom. Do you think dad will wake up soon? I'm getting tired." I felt like I could fall asleep any moment.

"I think he will. But if you want to, you can still get some sleep."

"No I need to be here." I couldn't leave him after I promised I would stay. I just couldn't.

"Y/N? TONKS!" It's dad.

"I think he is awake." Tonks joked. We went back into the hole and got to my dad. "Looks like the potion worked great, no scratch on the walls or floor. Nothing is broken." Tonks commented. "Did it hurt dad?"

"It wasn't as bad as the last few times. What did you two to the whole night?"

I closed my eyes. "Tonks what is she doing?" I concentrated on my hair and eyes again. They got purple again.
"You learned how to do that in one night?"

"I was suprised too. But now that she has unlocked it, there is a chance that it will happen when you don't acctually want it. Like when you get angry, scared, sad, or if you feel loved. But you will get it under control."

"I'm proud of you Y/n." It felt good to hear my dad say that. "I'm proud of you too dad. We should get back before people will wake up."

We went back to hogwarts. Tonks and dad are om their way to Dumbledore to let him know everything went alright.
I went back to the common room. "Y/n! Is that you?" I turned around.
"Elijah? What in Merlins beard are you doing here?" It looks like he has been awake for a while. "I wanted to tell you that I'm rooting for you and Fred. And I hope he makes you happy." He gave me a hug. "Thank you Lijah."

I continued walking to our common room. I let myself rest on one of the couches for a while. Still confused about what Elijah just said

"Y/n! Wake up sleepyhead!" I slowly opened my eyes. Two exiting looking twins had their head floating above mine. "What? Did I fall asleep here?"

"Looks like you did Love." Fred kissed my forehead. "I'm going to shower and change my clothes. I have something cool to show you. See you at breakfast?"

"Yes Love!" Another kiss was planted on my forehead.


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(Word count: 1341)
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