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I walked to the cauldron. "I smell... roses, parchment, and leather."

"Ooo Fred has a thing for proffesor Lupin!" A Slytherin boy yelled. "Wanna know what think," George said to him. "I think is more into Lupin Junior!"

"George! Adrian! Detention!" Y/n and I start lauging. "Lupin! Other Weasley! Want to join them!?"

"No sir." We both said.

Y/n pov:
A few days passed. I just had to get through today and it would be weekend again. Tutoring Blaise went pretty good. Harry was up next. "Hey Harry, how are you doing?" We talked for a bit and started brewing the polyjuice potion again. "Much better than last time Harry, almost like... you have done it before."

"I just... studied!"

"Yea right. Anyways, we are done for today."

"Thanks a lot Y/n, I just have one more question. Are you uhm... dating Fred?"

"Well uhm no-"

I suddenly felt his lips on mine. His hands went to my neck. And I instantly pulled back. "Harry you can't."

"Why not Y/n?" His hand was on my cheek and his thumb moved from left to right. I took his hand of my cheek.

"Harry, I'm into someone else. And
I'm fiftheen years old, you're just thirteen."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you. You and Fred are cute together. I'll be fine, and I will find someone else to be crazy about." He gave me a hug and left the classroom in a rush. It is almost 4pm and I was really tired. I went into the common room and let myself drop onto the couch. "Hey beautiful. Mind if I sit here?" Fred dropped himself besides me. "Give me a kiss." He laughed at my comment and gave me a kiss.

"That's all you got?" I joked

"You will have to work for it love." I smiled and started tickeling him. "What would you do if I told you Harry likes me."

"Well that is a way to ruin the moment."

"Yea he asked me about you and before I could finish my sentence about me and you he tried to kiss me." Fred bursted out in laughter.

"Yes he did!"

"Well... I get him. Who wouldn't like you."

🅃🄸🄼🄴 🅂🄺🄸🄿 (three weeks later)

It't saturdag morning. Tonight is a full moon. Once again it reminds me how lucky I am that the spell is still on me. Can you imagine a eight or nine year old having to deal with shifts? I would have had more time to adjust and get used to it but still...

Fred and George keep telling me I'm need to be carefull tonight.
Dumbledore and my dad asked a woman named Nymphadora Tonks to help me with my dads shift so I won't have to, but I want to be there for him. At least when he wakes up.

"Dad? I don't care if you like it or not, but I will be there tonight. No matter what happend last time. I will be there."

"Y/n no! You won't be the-"

I left his office before he could finish his sentence.

"Oy! Y/n! What are you up to." I heard George say. "Hey George. Just went to have a talk with my dad. Where is Fred?"

"Actually I wanted to talk about him with you. He has been a little insecure lately. He won't pull pranks with me anymore, he is scared you will think different about him. I want to change his mind."

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