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I couldn't finish my sentence. She pressed her lips onto mine. My hand slowly touched her back and slowly went up to her neck. Her right hand was still on my cheek and moved towards my head. The kiss became more passionate and she grabbed my hair. She pulled back.

"Did I do something wrong?" She shook her head and gave me peck on my lips.

"I couldn't imagine a better first kiss Weasley." She whispered.

Fred pov:
It is monday morning, just woke up and went straight to the bathroom. I took a shower and put on my clothes. When I walked out of the bathroom I saw that George and Lee were also awake. "Morning boys! Good day isn't it!"

"Shut up Fred. We were sleeping."

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up?"
"YES!" They both said annoyed. "Sorry it's just... I had a really good day yesterday!"

"Omg YES! OF COURSE! How did the date go!" George snapped in exitement. "I wanted to ask her if I could kiss her because, well you know she has a bit of trust issues and I didn't want her to flinch-"

"Just get to the point Fred!" Lee said. "That is the whole point! Before I could finish my sentence she kissed me!" George and Lee looked amazed.

"WHAT? You guys kissed? How was it!?"

"Amazing! She said it was better than she could ever want her first kiss to be."

"Wait... wasn't het first kiss with Elijah?" George said confused. "What!? ELIJAH ANDERSON? AND Y/N?" Lee snapped

"Well... he kissed her. She tried to push him away but that didn't really go well. But technically she never kissed him. He just kissed her."

We talked a little longer until Lee and George started getting ready for breakfast.

Y/n pov:
I was down in the common room. I couldn't deal with any more exited comments from Angelina and Katie about my kiss with Fred. I stayed in their dorm last night. We were talking and somehow we all fell asleep. This morning I snuck into my own dorm and took a bath. It was relaxing but I couldn't sit still any longer. I was to exited to see Fred, but at the same time I was nervous.

I heard someone coming down the stairs. My eyes didn't leave the fire. I felt hands on my shoulder.
"Morning beautiful." Fred jumped over the back of the couch and sat besides me with his arm around my shoulder. "Did you sleep well?" I nodded and he gave me a kiss. "I hope that was alright."

I gave him another kiss to show him it was fine. "And how did you sleep?"
I asked him. "I almost didn't. Couldn't stop thinking about you." I smiled. "Fred we do need to talk about yesterday."

He looked scared. "Don't worry, it isn't about your kissing skills." I joked. He relaxed a bit. "It's just... what does this mean?"

"What do you want it to mean?" He asked calm. "I don't know. I like were we are at right now." He gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Than lets continue this until you are ready to move things furder." I loved how he listened to what I wanted. Unlike Elijah.

"Just one question," Fred said. "can I still kiss you?"

"Well I don't know. Can you?" I joked.

"Stop messing with me Lupin." He said smiling. "Fred Weasley, you and only you can kiss me." And before I knew he was on top of me staring into my eyes. "Why are you so beautiful?"

Fred pov:
"I don't know. You should ask my dad, he helped creating this face." She smiled.
I loved how she had become so comfortable around me and George. I remember when we first met. She was the shy kid and I was the kid full of energie that kept quiet around her because he didn't want her to think he was weird. "Will do!" I ran out of the common room.

"No Fred! I was joking!" She yelled after me. I hear her footsteps come closer. "So was I love. Your dad is was too scary." I joked.

"Am I now?" I turned around. "Hello professor Lupin. How are you." He shook his head and walked past us. "Dad! Can I talk to you tonight?" He nodded. "I'll be in my classroom." And after that he left.
"Let's get some breakfast!" We went to the Great Hall and ate something. "What class to we have first?" Y/n asked me.

"Potions. With Slytherin." I sighed. "Well that will be fun." George said. "George Weasley where have you been?" I asked him. "With... uhm... showering!"
Y/n dropped his weird act really quick but I wasn't planning on it.
"George, spit it out!"

"Okay fine. I may have been with Angelina." Lee and Y/n faces turned right to him. "Fred? Why aren't you shocked or anything?" Lee asked me.

"Come on guys, you didn't see this coming?"

"NO! You did?"
"Come on we only hooked up like two times." The conversation went on for a while. "We should go to potions, you  guys coming?" We walked to potion.

"Does anyone know, what this is." Snape started. We discussed some potions. "And what may this potion be miss Johnson?" Angelina's face went from George straight to Snape. "I don't know proffesor."

"Perhaps Miss Lupin can tell us." Y/n went to the front of the classroom and smelled the potion. "This is Amortenia."

"Correct! And what does Amortenia do to someone?"

"It creates fake love or obsession. It smelled different to everyone according to what attracks them." Snape nodded at her. "Anyone who wants to come up front and tell me what they smell? Weasley! You come here." He looked my way.

I walked to the cauldron. "I smell... roses, parchment, and leather."

"Ooo Fred has a thing for proffesor Lupin!" A Slytherin boy yelled. "Wanna know what think," George said to him. "I think is more into Lupin Junior!"

"George! Adrian! Detention!" Y/n and I start lauging. "Lupin! Other Weasley! Want to join them!?"

"No sir." We both said.


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(Word count: 1046)
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