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"Want to see who? Are you talking about Y/n? Remus? Where us she?" Tonks just came back from work. I hugged her instantly.
"The Malfoy's found her. I'm going to pick her up first thing in the morning. You go with Molly and Arthur to pick up the other Weasleys from school. Dumbledore will understand."

That night I stayed awake. Looking forward to seeing my daughter agian after almost three months.

Fred pov:
"Remus! Where is Remus!" I yelled through the house. "He is on his was to Malfoy Manor Fred." My dad spoke. "W-what do you mean? You said he knows where Y/n is."

"He does, he is picking her up." At Malfoy Manor? What is she doing there? Did they take her? Not Greyback?

"Why would he go there? Did the Malfoy's take Y/n?" My dad went quiet.
"Spit it out dad!" I snapped.

"They saved her from Greyback. I know that may be hard to imagine. But it is true, we don't know how.
They send this letter explaining why she is at their house." My dad handed me a black envelope and I took the piece of parchment out.

To Remus Lupin,

We recently found out Fenrir has taken Y/n. We offerd him dinner at his house to celebrate his succesfull hunt for
the werewolf girl.

What he didn't know was that had another plans. Y/n is currently save at our Manor. It is to dangerous for
us to come to you. We will take care
of her until you can pick her up tomorrow.

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy.

She is save. She is coming back to me. I don't care if she thinks she is a danger to me. I will be there for her. Always.

Y/n pov:
I heard Lucius speak to Narcissa. "He can be here any minute. Lupin won't wait a second longer than he has to."

"Hey Draco? Why aren't you at school?" I asked him to pass the time. "Got into trouble, suspended for a week or two."

Someone knocked on the door. Just when Narcissa wanted to open the door I heard someone yell "Alohamora!" The door unlocked and someone bursted through it. "Draco? Is that my dad?" Draco looked around the corner.
He nodded at me.

"Where is she! If this is a trap I
swear to-"

"Dad?..." I ran his way and he locked his arms around me firmly. "I will never let you go again." I hugged my dad tight and felt a kiss on my head. After a few minutes my dad let go of me and put an arm around my shoulders. "I will not forgive you for the incident a few years back, but I can thank you for bringing my daughter back to me. So for that, I thank you all."

I looked at the Malfoy's and walked towards Narcissa. I gave her a hug and thanked her. I nodded to Lucius and gave Draco a kiss on his cheek.

"Y/n dear, we should go. Grab my arm."
I gave the Malfoy's one last nod and then apparated with my dad. I felt my feet touch the ground and opened  my eyes. We were surrounded by high yellow grass or something. We walked towards the Burrow. "Dad, please tell them not to come too close or hug me. That reminds me... where is Fred? Is he doing okay at school?" My dad opened the door. "Ask him yourself." Is Fred here? My dad walked in first.
"Wait here."

"Everyone? I want to ask you not to come too close or hug her. Not without her permission." My dad came back outside. "Are you ready dear?" I nodded and he softly sqeezed my shoulders and walked me inside. "Hey..." Everyone looked shocked. I didn't blame them. My hair had grown, I lost a lot of weight and was more insecure then ever.

"Please tell me I can hug you." I looked to my left and saw Fred looked worried.
I didn't hesitate for a second an walked up to him. "Freddie, I never should have broken up with you... I-" I stopped talking. I looked into his eyes. Still as beautiful as before. "Screw talking." I said to him. He looked scared and worried. I grabbed his cheeks with my hands and kissed him. "I love you Freddie. There wasn't a day where I didn't think about you."

"I love you too Y/n. Always."


He hugged me. It hurt a little but I didn't care. I was in the arms of the
boy I love. And that is all I want right now. "When do we get a hug." George joked.

"Good to see you're still you, Georgie."
I hugged my bestfriend and looked at everyone else. They smiled at me.

"Oh dear, you need food. Did he starve you or something." Molly commented with a bit of sarcasm. I stayed quiet. I didn't want them to know.

"Oh dear... he did starve you, didn't he."
I didn't react to Molly. "I am so sorry I said that, i shouldn't have..." I could see the guilt in Molly's eyes. "It's okay. You couldn't have know." Everone looked worried, wondering what else I had to endure the past three months.

"Freddie, I need to talk to you."

"Of course Y/n." He gave me his hand and took me outside. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I don't know. I guess I just wanted to say something."

"Okay? Tell me." I let go of his hand.
"Fred... I... I understand if you have moved on from me. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. And I'm sorry for that." He looked confused. "Did you really think I moved on?" I nodded.
"Y/n... back inside when I told you I loved you, what wasn't just as friends. And about that kiss..." he stopped talking and kissed me. It became more passionate and I felt save again.

For the first time, in a long time.


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(Word count: 1025)
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