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"Fred, you need to let go. You're choking me." I wake from my thoughts. "Yes, right. Sorry I was thinking." She grabs my arm and takes me back to the common room. It is nice to see that she is loosening up a bit. At least to me and George. Being comfortable around other people, that was the issue, but we would take things slow. First get to know Ron, Harry and Hermione a little better. Maybe Oliver and Ginny, but slowly.

"I am going to change into more comfortable clothes, I will be back in a few minutes." She walks up the stairs.

Almost twenty minutes later she is still upstairs. "Hermione? Can you maybe check if she is okay?" I ask her. "Fred, she will be fine." I wait for another ten minutes. "I'm done, that's it. I'm going to check on her." I run up the stairs. I hear Hermione following me.

I knock on her door. No one anwsers. I open the door and look around. I don’t see anyone.

I walk to the bathroom door and knock. "Y/n are you in here?"

She doesn't anwer, but the door isn't locked. I slowly open it and see Y/n laying on the floor.

"Fred... she is bleeding." I take a closer look and see her head bleeding. "Hermione get George now!" Hermione runs down the stairs. I've only known the girl for what? Five minutes? And I already care about her.

I lift Y/n up and try to carry her downstairs. When I am at the bottom of the stairs, I see George and Harry running up to ms. They help me bring her to Madam Pomfrey.

In the hospital wing we put her down on a bed. Madam Pomfrey asks us to leave. I don’t want to, but I have to.


I sit down besides Y/n on the hospital bed, she looks so fragile in this state. George walks into the room with Harry and Hermione. They grab some chairs and take place aroud the bed. Madam Pomfrey says she has a broken arm and the wound in her head iss pretty deep. "Where is she!?"

"Blaise? What in Merlins beard are you doing here?" Hermione asks. "It's obvious, he came here to steal Freddies girlfriend." George says smirking. Hermione looks at me like she has seen a ghost.

"She is not my girlfriend!" I correct. "Indeed! She is mine!" George starts laughing because of what Blaise said. "Please, like she would want that." I talk back.

"Fred, don't leave . . ." I hear Y/n talking in her sleep. Blaise almost starts crying and walks away angry. "Stupid third years." George says. "Hey!" Ron snaps.
I quickly grab her arm. "I won't, I'm right here." I wisper, her eyes slowly open.

"Hey beautiful. How are you feeling?"

"Wait, who are you?"
"No, no, no. Please remember me. It's Fred. I'm here." Did she loose her memories? "I'm kidding you idiot." I softly sqeeze in her hand. "Do you remember what happend?"

"I tried to put someting on a high shelf in the small closet in the bathroom and slipped. I remember hitting my head to the sink and then everything went black. Are the injuries bad?" I try to let go of her hand but she grabs mine back in a splitsecond. "You have a deep wound on your head and you have a small fracture in your leg." Madam Pomfrey answers.

Professor Lupin walks into the room. "Is she awake?" He asks as he stands in the opening of the door. Harry nods and professor Lupin walks towards us. I quickly let go of her hand as he reaches her bed. He soflty touches her cheek. "How are you feeling darling?" He askes her. "I'm alive, it doesn't even hurt that bad.

Their conversation went on for a while and when things started to sound personal, the rest of us left.

Y/n pov:
The rest of the week went by fast. I came to Madam Pomfrey every day to take care of the wound on my head. I have rutches to help me around the castle.

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